~ eleven ~

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louisa awoke in george's house the next morning, her head pounding and her eyelids heavy. she sat upright, stretching out her arms and looking over at paul who slept uncomfortably in a chair next to the bed. she smiled softly to herself, reaching out to grab the near-full glass of water on the bedside cabinet.

as she did so, paul's eyes fluttered open and he shuffled slightly. "morning," he said groggily, his eyes half open.

"morning," louisa said, placing the glass back down on the cabinet. "you could've slept next to me you know," she said with a small smile, "i wouldn't have minded."

"well i wanted to make sure you were comfortable," he said, getting up and sitting down on the bed.

louisa propped herself up on her arm. "i wasn't too annoying last night was i?" she asked.

paul chuckled and shook his head. "no, just a bit excitable that's all."

"i'm so stupid," she said, "i shouldn't have gone back to a drink i left unattended, i just wasn't thinking."

"it's okay, it was obviously some prick who thought it'd be funny, luckily no one took advantage of you or anything," paul said softly.

"well thank you for looking after me," she said with a smile and paul smiled in return. he looked down at her lips before leaning in, cupping her face in his hand as his lips met hers. louisa brought her arm round his back before running her hand through his hair, pulling him on top of her as she did so. paul soon got bolder, moving his kisses down to her neck, brushing her hair back behind her shoulder to give himself access to the skin.

"oh paul," she moaned lightly, feeling euphoric. she'd never been this intimate with a boy before and it felt strange. new. great. paul smiled against the skin of her neck, happy he was the one inducing such pleasure as he brought his lips back up to hers.

"morning guys-" george, who had swung the door open, began before noticing the pair partaking in their passionate snog, with them pulling apart abruptly upon his entrance, "shit, i'll remember to knock next time."

louisa flashed bright red and paul awkwardly removed himself from on top of her, standing upright. "hi george," he said casually.

"i was just gonna ask if you two wanted to come down for breakfast," george replied.

"breakfast sounds great," louisa chirped, still feeling embarrassed.

the pair followed george downstairs and through to the kitchen where george's mother stood. "good morning you lot, how did you sleep?" she asked.

"great thank you," louisa smiled, "look thank you so much mrs harrison for letting me stay over, i'm sorry if i was a bother."

"oh not at all my dear," she replied, shaking her head, "i'm sorry someone would be so cruel as to drug you like that but it's a good thing you're safe."

louisa nodded before her, paul and george sat down at the kitchen table as george's mum served them toast with jam and butter. the three teenagers chomped away merrily and exchanged few words as they finished up their breakfast.

louisa thought it'd be best she leave as soon as possible, she was afraid of facing her parents and having to come up with a lie but she knew the earlier she went the better.

"are you sure you're ok to walk home alone?" paul asked her as they and george went up to the front door.

"yes i'll be fine," she replied, "my house is only five minutes away from here."

"i'll see you next week," he said with a grin as she opened the door, louisa smiling in return. she waved to the two boys and left the house.

"quite a seen i walked in on there paul," george smirked as they walked into the living room, "probably a good thing i walked in when i did."

"oh shut up," paul quipped, "we weren't gonna do anything."

"well anyway, things seem to be going nicely between the two of you, it's quite a sight to behold i tell you," george continued, slumping down on the armchair, "just a month ago you were biting each other's heads off, now you're snogging each other's faces off." he grinned.

"well you know, i like her now," paul said shyly, "i like her a lot."

"wasn't i right though? i told you you fancied her and look, you do!" george said with glee, "i'm always right."

"oh stop being so smug, maybe it's time you go find yourself a bird so you're not so fixated on what i'm doing."


louisa arrived home quickly, ready to face the wrath of her father. she entered the house quickly and as soon as she shut the door she heard her father marching from the kitchen.

"care to tell me where you've been?" he spat, "you were supposed to come home last night."

"i'm really sorry dad, i had to take jade home, she was throwing up and all that so i stayed the night to make sure she was ok," louisa responded, sure she was being convincing.

her father grunted. "you really make your mother worry when you pull stunts like this, next time tell your little friend to be more responsible," he sneered.

"i will," louisa nodded, making her way towards the stairs before her father stopped her.

"one minute," he said, brushing her hair back with the newspaper he held back, "what's this?" he spat. louisa was confused as to what he was talking about until she remembered her and paul's encounter this morning, he must've left a hickey behind.

"what is this, louisa? tell me now girl," her father yelled.

"i just kissed a boy at the club ok, that's all," she said casually.

"i don't want boys leaving such disgusting things on you, who was this? was this that piano boy?"

"his name is paul, dad."

"i don't care what his bloody name is, i thought you were just going out with friends, not doing such revolting things with a boy."

"i was out with friends, dad."

"well if this is what you get up to when you go out, i don't want you going to any of those clubs. this next week i want you home straight after school, where you will remain until you go out again the next morning, only to go to school," he snarled.

"dad, that's so unfair," louisa groaned.

"no it's not, i don't want my daughter being some slut, throwing herself at teenage boys."

that comment hurt louisa. her own father calling her a slut wasn't exactly something she wanted to ever experience. her eyes welled up before she moped up the stairs all the way to her bedroom.

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