~ four ~

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it was a thursday and louisa had decided to head to the casbah like they usually did. inside it smelt of a mixture of cigarettes, coffee and alcohol causing her to scrunch up her nose slightly.

she quickly spotted the boys at a booth near the stage and made her way over. "louisa! long time no see!" john exclaimed.

"yeah sorry about that, i got caught up with schoolwork last week so i couldn't come, what's new with you? mimi find out about the party?" she asked.

he chuckled. "thankfully not, got the place cleaned up in time," he said. she nodded before diverting her gaze to paul, busily snogging some girl from her school, ava, whilst george sat awkwardly beside them.

he pulled away, ava's lipstick smeared across his mouth before he smirked. "oh hey, louisa," he said smugly. she rolled her eyes, it was hard to believe the guy she saw the other night was the same paul. it was as though he became a completely different person. it frustrated her.

"i'm going to the bathroom," she said monotonously before walking away, john eyeing her with slight suspicion.

why am i bothered? she thought to herself. it was regular for paul to be this way but when he took her out on saturday night it gave her a glimmer of hope that maybe he wasn't so bad after all.

she left the bathroom shortly but was cornered by none other than paul. "a little jealous are we, doll?" he asked with a grin, bringing a hand to her waist.

louisa shoved it away quickly. "only in your dreams," she scowled but it began to form into a slight smirk, "oh and you've got a little something." she gestured towards his lips and he wiped the bright red lipstick away quickly with his index finger.

"bet you wish it was your lipstick, don't you love? trust me, we can make that happen," he said, stepping in closer to her.

"oh piss off, why don't you?" she spat, "i can't believe i actually thought you could be a nice guy."

he chuckled lowly. "like i've told you before," he began before moving in closer yet again, his lips brushing the side of her cheek before whispering in her ear, "i am a nice guy."

she felt a shiver run through her whole body and her face flashed red before she quickly shoved paul away, rushing back into the main area of the club. her heart was pounding and all she could think was, what was that?

it satisfied paul to leave louisa flustered and she knew that, so she couldn't let him win, it'd only boost his ego more. thankfully she spotted oscar. she promptly made her way over to him and pressed her lips against his, engaging in a passionate kiss.

they pulled away from each other and louisa looked over to paul, who was of course watching them with a clenched jaw. he felt the same jealousy he had done before at john's party. why am i bothered? he thought to himself.

he turned away, making his way back over to table and slumped down next to john. "you need to stop giving louisa such a hard time you know," john said, pulling his lighter from his jacket pocket and lighting the cigarette readily prepared between his lips.

"what'd you mean?" paul asked, narrowing his eyes.

"oh you know damn well what i mean. you're a nice guy paul but you treat her like shit let's be honest. why?"

paul didn't reply, looking straight down at his lap. he didn't know why he acted the way he did around her. john rolled his eyes. "do you like her?" he asked paul.

"of course not!" paul exclaimed defensively.

"sorry," john said, lifting his hands up in a surrender, "what is it then?"

paul shrugged. "i don't know," he said quietly. though before he did. before it was all just fun for him to pull her leg. he liked a challenge and she was one, not an easy girl who'd fling themselves at him and swoon at his remarks and whilst that often played out to his advantage, it could get a little boring.

"i think you fancy her. no wonder you hate oscar so much," john remarked.

"who said i hated oscar?" paul asked, narrowing his eyes angrily at john.

suddenly george, who had remained silent up until this point, let out a laugh. paul glared at him. "what's so funny hazza?"

"nothing. just that it's obvious that you don't like him," he said. paul gave him a questioning look and george rolled his eyes, "oh come on paul, don't act so clueless, whenever he's around you're always in a rush to get him to go away. you never like talking to him either and he's a really nice guy, so it's just a bit... strange really. i think you proper fancy lou."

paul was practically fuming by this point, what was his mates deal? "goodbye," he said plainly, standing up abruptly and making his way towards the door.

"oh come on paulie, we're just joking around!" john exclaimed.

paul turned around briefly. "well i'm not laughing," he said before leaving.

louisa noticed him going and frowned slightly, wondering what was the matter with him. you'd never see paul living early unless he had a bird with him. she looked over at john and george who sighed, though did not go after their band mate.

"something the matter?" oscar asked, placing a hand to her cheek.

she turned back to face him and shook her head. "it's nothing," she said.

meanwhile, george turned to john and asked, "you really think he fancies lou?"

john nodded firmly. "and i think he always has, ever since he's met her. but i don't know why he's suddenly so defensive about it. i feel like something's happened," he explained.

george strong brows knit together. "like what?"

john shrugged, stubbing out his cigarette in the ash tray. "i don't know, something that's thrown his confidence off a bit," he looked over at louisa.

"you think them two will ever start dating?" george asked, tipping his head in the direction of louisa and oscar.

"probably soon to be honest, they've been hanging around each other a lot more recently. that's a good thing though, oscar's a nice guy, he's what louisa deserves."

and as george and john discussed the whole situation, paul walked home in a sulk, nothing on his mind but the thought of louisa and oscar.

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