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louisa could hardly sleep the night she kissed paul, she was too excited and overjoyed and the next morning she went into school feeling happy for once.

though her mood was quickly overturned when she overheard a few girl's discussion in her english class. they were talking loudly on purpose so that louisa could hear.

"d'you hear about louisa? practically begging oscar to shag her and apparently simon and that too. i mean what a slag," she could hear one girl, leah, saying.

"of course she's a slag, i mean she's always hanging out with that art school boy... what's his name? john, that's it, wouldn't be surprised if she shagged him too, and paul and george!" another one said, causing her blood to boil.

she quickly turned around, causing the girls to look up at her, faint smirks present on their faces. "where'd you here that?" she asked, trying to mask the anger and sadness in her voice.

"oscar told us," leah said, looking louisa up and down.

"well it's not true," louisa spat, her words coming out a little louder than she intended.

"miss hunt is there a reason you're disturbing other students in my class?" her teacher, mrs preston, asked.

louisa turned back around quickly, stumbling on her words. mrs preston came up to her desk, looking at her notebook and it's almost blank page disapprovingly.

"and you've done barely any work," she said with a raised brow.

"oh i was just rereading parts of the text-" louisa began defensively but mrs preston stopped her.

"save it miss hunt, detention after school, here. be prompt," she said bitterly and louisa nodded slowly, hearing the girls behind her snickering.


louisa completed her detention after school, which consisted of tidying up mrs preston's hoarder-like cupboard for twenty minutes. her mood had been tainted throughout the whole day upon hearing more and more people talking about her and giving her dirty glances in the hallways.

jade and chloe had too heard the rumours and were saddened by their friends absence from the canteen at lunchtime and made sure to tell as many people as they could that the rumours weren't true, though it wasn't any good coming from them.

she left school just as the boys school finished up and paul spotted her, making his way through the crowd of boys excitedly to get to her - failing to notice the sad expression on her face and the fact that she was leaving school a lot later than normal.

"hey!" he said cheerily but when she didn't stop walking he realised something was up. he grabbed her arm lightly and she stopped walking, not looking him in the eye so that he wouldn't see the tears in her eyes.

"are you okay?" he asked, furrowing his brows.

she shook her head. "no, haven't you heard the rumours going round about me? oscar told people that i was some slut who begged him and his mates for sex and now everyone thinks it's true," she blinked rapidly to stop any tears from falling but she had little success.

paul was fuming at the news, but remained calm for louisa's sake, pulling her into a hug and gently smoothing over her hair. "hey, it's okay. look, it's the weekend now and i'm sure it'll blow over, everybody will forget about it by monday," he said reassuringly.

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