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louisa sat in her final lesson of the day, waiting eagerly for it to finish. this evening john was having a party as he had a free house. he knew it was a bit of a suicide mission, if anything were to break or even be out of place, his aunt mimi would slap him silly.

louisa could only laugh at the thought of john frantically trying to clean everything up in the morning before she got back. he probably shouldn't be having this party at all but oh well. it's his funeral, she thought.

as soon as her class finished she gathered up her stuff, piling it into her bag before rushing out to the front of the school where she met jade and chloe and from there they walked to jade's house to get ready.


"bless you lou for being friends with a college boy," chloe said as they got ready, elvis presley yapping away about it being now or never on jade's turntable.

"cute art school boys, here we come!" jade exclaimed as she applied her mascara at her vanity.

"you've already bagged a cute art school boy and his name is stu," louisa said.

she swivelled round in her seat. "i can still get excited over him, can't i?" she said, rolling her eyes playfully.

"i guess so," louisa responded, digging through her make up bag.

"what about you then, louisa? gone any further with oscar?" chloe asked, wriggling her brows suggestively.

louisa rolled her eyes. "we haven't gone any further i'll have you know. dirty bastards," she sneered jokingly.


the girls finished getting ready promptly before taking the bus over to john's house. from the outside it looked pretty quaint, no different from any other house on the street.

but as soon as they stepped inside it was evident that it was far from that. the house was busting at the seams with people, many who louisa recognised but just as many whom she didn't.

it wasn't long before paul came wandering over, donning his leather jacket and black jeans, his hair of course gelled back out of his face.

he smirked and looked louisa up and down, admiring her all black attire. "don't we look nice tonight, doll," he said, earning nothing more than an eye roll from her before he wandered off again.

louisa turned to jade, a large grin forming on her face. "oh, piss off," she said before walking off into the crowd.

soon after, she spotted two familiar faces - rory storm and ritchie from rory storm and the hurricanes. ritchie met her eyes and grinned.

"lou!" he exclaimed before looking over to her empty hands, "no drink yet i see?"

"i only just got here ritchie," she replied.

he handed her his beer bottle. "take this, you can't enjoy a party unless you're somewhat shit-faced," he said.

"sounds logical," she said as she took a swig from the bottle.

"oi ringo!" they both heard john exclaim, turning to their heads to see him making his way over to them, "harassing lovely lou here, are we?"

smooth sailing ~ paul mccartney - discontinuedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz