Chapter 3: The SOULS That Are Lost But Found Their Way

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Variance woke up, he looked to see it was dark outside, he blinked a few times before yawning. He looked at the table and saw Erratum sewing a hat and beside him is a work pile. Erratum turned to Variance, he stood up from his chair and went to him. "Good morning Variance, do you need anything?" Erratum asked Variance but he shook his head. Variance put his feet on the edge of the bed and stood up carefully, clutching his three month old bump. Erratum just watch him, being alert at the sidelines if something went wrong. Variance walked to the door and stopped , he turned to Erratum, "Umm... Can you guide me to the kitchen please?..." Variance asked Erratum, he just nodded and went first and walked slowly. First, he doesn't know if Variance can walk fast like him, well he is an Error but a more fragile and delicate. Second, he a pregnant skeleton. Third and lastly, he is injured. The two of them went to the living room where you can see the kitchen. "There's the kitchen... if need any help just call me" Erratum said before going back to his room leaving Variance to his own accord, to put the finished products that he sewn on sale at his online store. He is planning to find a small spot in the mall or a place full of people, so everyone can see, and make sure that they can buy and also they can move out. Erratum's finished products are filling him room. He needs to find a fairly big house with and attic and a basement, also a front and back yards, with a supposedly garage. He sighed. he just wanted to make sure that HIS are happy. And he will make sure of it.

After Erratum left, Variance looked inside the pantry, cupboards and fridge for flour, milk, eggs, butter and sugar, cause he wants pancakes and the Soulings want pancake, the kids will want pancake he is sure of it and he will feed Erratum pancake, that he will make sure Erratum eats well. No one in the household will not eat under his watch, he will make sure that everybody is eating. Variance looks for a pan and a spatula, he put it in a stove off he isn't going to cook for now, he needs to mix the ingredients first. He knows the recipe by SOUL and he is a computer, he can just search a recipe and follow it. He first mix the eggs together cause wants to. He looked at the eggs and thought 'Damn... I want scrambled eggs now...', he looked at it again and shook his head 'No! You need this for the pancakes!' he thought and continued cooking. He eventually got rid of the thought of eating scrambled eggs cause the soulings really choose pancakes even though he really want eggs. He just sighed and continued cooking the pancakes, he mixed, he put the butter and batter into the pan, he waited and flipped the pancakes and once he is done with it, he put it in a plate of four and pile into three each. Variance giggled when he is about to put a plate for his Dream he remembered... That Dream is not there, he tried to stop the tears that wanted to flow, but held it back. He can't afford to let them see, he must be brave and positive for Dream. He wouldn't want Variance to feel scare now... That is what Dream always want for Variance so for now, he will open up to the people around him. He started to hum a tune that Dream always makes, he calmed down and put the plates in place with the fork and knife at two plates and baby forks at the other two plates.

The moment he started making chocolate milk for all of them is when everybody started to come out of their rooms. He noticed the two babybones at the living room, "Good Morning, Kiddos~ It's time to eat~" he said as he put the warm chocolate milk in different mugs. Variance noticed that there is only three mugs, five plates, five bowls and a few pairs of spoon and fork. He just sighed and prepared everything. He sighed and went to Null and Void. He put Void in a baby seat, then carried Null to another. He put the plates in front of them, "Wait for a minute! Let me get Erratum..." Variance said the two nodded. He went to get Erratum, he knocked on the door and said "It's time to eat" Variance said. Inside the room Erratum was about to say he doesn't need food, Variance cut him off. "I know you will say that you don't need food but please eat something once in a while" Variance said, he knows that Erratum will eat if not, he will use the trump card. "Fine~ Then looks like the kids and I will drink up all the chocolate~" he said in a teasing tone, 'Got ya!' Variance thought as he heard the door open. He turned back to see Erratum at the door way with slightly amused mixed with a little bit pissed off expression. "Okay... You got me..." Erratum said, "Good! Let's eat~" Variance said with a sing a song voice. "Null~ Void You can start eating now~" Variance said as he sat next to Void, took a spoon and tear the pancakes into bite size babies, Null ate his pancake happily, 'This is so good~' Null thought. Erratum just sit there slowly drinking the chocolate milk at his mug. He stared at the food in front of him, he doesn't know what to do, all he know is how to eat with fingers because of Granny G's cookies.

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