Prologue: The Last Dance of the Loner and the Crowd

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They are fighting and attacking him again. They are attacking the God of Destruction once again. He can easily defeat them like before but he can't this time especially when his so called family are attacking him.

They believed Ink... They believed the one who put them in suffering and they turned their back on the one who cared for them... Who loved them...

But now it's not like that anymore... They had turned their back on him... Welp it's the fate that they chose... Even though Fate did plan this to happened... After all she planned everything through... But not all of it...

The others Gods and Goddesses are watching Error in pity...

They flinched when Error started to laugh insanely... As he stood up still laughing and look at them with a glare and a smirk.

"You all wanted me to stop destroying right!!!" Error said eyelights burning with something they don't know. " YES!!! Please Error we can be at peace! We can be friends!" The crowd shouted about being in peace.

Error ask a question... Their fate will be told and it will unfold by this question.

"Will you stop creating then?!" Error was soon answered with how unfair that is. " See! That is your answer!" Error as he laughed. He looked from where Fate always watching. Fate flinched when Error glared. "Hear that Fate! Hear what your favorite child said! He said he won't stop creating! And you expect me to clean up after him and take the beating with no mercy!" Error said as he smiled he put his head down, tears falling down his cheekbones.

Fate flinched when he said that this wasn't in the plan. "Well guess what Fate! I won't be cleaning after him! After all he said it! They want me to stop! Then I'll stop" Error said and the crowd cheered.

" I'll do more than just stop! I'll be gone in this world!" Error hand glowed and a barrier is put around the Multiverses that Fate owned stopping her control in all of them. "Good Luck keeping the balance yourselves!" Error said as he stomp his feet at the ground opening a hole to the VOID itself and fell through.

The council is horrified as Error fell through with a smile. Fate's body shook as she tried to touch the Multiverse but she is electrocuted. She pulled her hand back in pain.

"No... No... No nononono... NOOOO!" Fate stood up and tried to balance again but she is electrocuted back. She tried calling Ink but it was no use. Error completely blocked her control over the AUs. A horrified expression is on her face as the declared winners of the battle cheered for their win...

Now they will not able to hear her and Fate cannot warn her child anymore and it is all because of their...

Steps is heard throughout the hall of the gods and goddesses. They turned to see the Judgement twins who have come to take the price of a certain goddess.

"Greetings~ my ladies" A ten year old lad in white shirt and a cream colored vest and a cream colored  shorts, wearing a white knee socks and cream checkered leg warmers and white shoes, said in a monotone voice. On his back is a gaster blaster scythe. He is wearing a black fabric covering his eyes and that's is the only black he is wearing.

"And My Lords~" The ten year old lass beside the lad said. She is wearing a black cold shoulder lace halter top and a skirt that is short at the front and long at the back that is purple, wearing a thigh high black and violet colored sock and black doll shoes, she is also wearing a small black hat with a purple ribbon and black three layered veil. On her back is a gaster blaster hammer. She is also wearing a white fabric covering her eyes. She said monotonously like her twin.

Both of them are holding hands

"We have to collect the price of a certain goddess" they said at the same time as they walked towards Fate as she walks backwards. As the twins walks to her the lad stop and let go of the other as the girl walk behind Fate.

Fate tried to escape the price she refused to pay since the birth of the destroyer. She ran to the left but the male twin took out his scythe and slammed it on the way. Fate took a step back and tried to escape on the right side but the female twin slammed her hammer at the way now there is no escaping the twins of judgement.

The two circled her as they chanted something under their breath as looked at Fate who felt her sins crawling on her back. Soon they stopped in front of her. She looked up to see their eyes under the fabric glowing dimly.

"Fate, who controls the fates of others" the lad said

"You had committed deadly sins that should have been paid a long time ago" the lass said.

"You created a being that is uncontrollable of his creation" the lad said.

"Not only that... You have stole a Sans from a different Multiverse and you have formed him to be the half of a balance the he didn't want" they glared at her as felt her sin crawling on her back.

"You use him for your own amusement" the lass said.

"Tortured him till he has no HOPE" the lad said as he held up his scythe

"And destroyed everything he held dear" the lass said as she held up her hammer

" And for that you will be charged with imprisonment at the Abyss of Insanity and Hate and Guilt... Where you will be never heard from again" they both slammed their weapons and chains from the ground chained around her. Blue chains on her neck, red chains on her hands, black chains on her ankles and she was pulled to a deep and dark abyss.

The gods and goddesses stared in horror at the two of them. The two are known as the Twins of Judgement. They are the only ones who can go against as long as they know what's right. Primary Gods and Goddesses always put their guards up when with them. Minor Gods and Goddesses must be careful on what they do.

For the Twins of Judgement sees all their sins and will never hesitate to bring you to your equal judgement.

For like they did to Fate...

News spread faster than a wildfire but like a wildfire everyone will notice it.

Cause now they know who right and who is wrong...

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