"Why should I help an enemy?" the young vampire retorted.

"Because you're different. I know you, you're kind."

Astra thought for a minute, contented whether or not to help the woman in distress. She then decided to walked over her, "are you even blind? Do you even need the walking stick?"

"Yes, I am blind since birth, however I don't really need a walking stick, but I probably need one now. I could barely stand," Freya answered half jokingly.

Astra carefully pulled Freya out of the rubble. She helped Freya to stand as the older woman leaned to the smaller girl. They ended up with Freya was being piggybacked by Astra.

"You're bigger than me and I need to jump to get us out of this hole, so hang on tight," she warned as her hands held Freya in position.

Freya did as she was told. She warped her arms around Astra's neck and hooked her legs around the girl's hips. And of course Freya who was being too comfortable with their skinship, laid her head on the crook of her mate's neck. She used it to savor her summer breeze like scent.

"Do you mind? Please stop whatever you're trying to do or I'll drop your sorry ass," the golden haired girl scoffed while she was jumping off the cliff.

Freya immediately put some space between them. "Sorry," she muttered as she didn't want to anger the girl more. Little did she know that Astra actually blushed from Freya's affection.

Astra carried Freya all the way into the deep forest as she tried her best to dodged any vampire soldiers. The forest was dark with stars and moon be their only light. Astra shivered a little bit as the cold air crept through her clothes. She wondered how Freya can stay idle for the twenty minutes of their walk.

"So which way?" the teenage vampire asked again. Wait, does she even know her way?, she thought.

"Up there, on that hill," Freya pointed so Astra could follow her lead.

Astra walked to the hill only to see nothing. "Are you sure this is the right place? You're not pointing at the wrong hill, right?"

"It's here. It's concealed by magic so no one can find it," Freya explained.

"Okay, so this is where we part then," the girl said as she put Freya down.

Freya was taken aback by her words, but she knew it would happen. "Is that mean you don't want to see me anymore because of what we are?" she choked at her own words.

"Wha... No, that's not what I meant. I mean there must be a bunch of werewolves in there and I don't think they want to meet a vampire," Astra explained with guilt creeping her heart.

Freya's smile returned as she sighed in relieve, "you can come. I don't have a pack. I am alone."

Astra gave her a confused look but she still guided Freya inside. Freya chanted some spell so Astra could enter the castle. The girl gawked upon seeing the said castle.

It was enormous compared to any castles she had witnessed before. Some of its stones were gone and most of the outlines were covered in vern. At the sides of the front gate laid two big stone guardians carrying their sword to their chest.

As they entered the building, it was another different level. They were greeted by a large spacey hall. It consisted of three corridors and two ways to upstairs. It felt kind of comfy regardless of the view from outside.

"You're back early," called someone from upstairs.

Astra began to panic as the thought of unknown danger. Her grip on Freya's arm was tighten. Noticing this, Freya tried to calm the girl.

"Eli, get down here and help us out," Freya ordered.

Eli who just exited the corridor shocked, "holly shit!  What happen to you?" she said as she teleported the three of them to master bedroom. "What did you do? Look your wounds are reopened."

"Re-open? Did something happen to her before? Is that why she'd been missing for days?" asked Astra as they laid Freya to bed.

Eli glanced at Astra and smiled, "oh hello. Pardon my rudeness, I believe we met before," she said reaching her hand out for Astra to shake, "my name is Eleanor in case you forget, you can call me Eli. It's nice to meet you again, Astra."

"Stop talking, start healing," Freya snapped as she let out a warning growl.

"Okay geez, I just want to answer the girl," Eli replied as she began fixing Freya's wounds, "as for your question, yes, we did fight off a few vampires a few days ago. She has been recovering ever since."

Asta nodded in acknowledgment. She saw every step that Eli make and couldn't help but wondered, "isn't werewolf has self healing, just like vampire?"

Eli looked troubled for a second. She glanced at Freya, "do you want to tell her or not?"

Freya closed her eyes as she drove to sleep, "I let you tell her what she deserves to know."

The witch nodded and answered, "they are, except Freya. She locked her wolf away, in other words, she sealed half of her soul. That is why she couldn't heal herself."

Eli's statement only put another question in Astra's mind. "Wait, how does it even possible? And where are the rest of her pack?" she questioned again.

Eli glanced at Freya again only for her to continue sleeping. The witch huffed, "you don't know, huh? Freya... killed her family. That is why her wolf is sealed."

Astra stunned. She couldn't believe her own ears. Is that why she looked troubled over that question?, she thought. The thought of a handicapped woman capable to murder the entire pack never came across Astra's mind.

Eli side glanced Astra upon seeing her normal reaction. She finished patching the wound and tidied her equipment. After she was done, she led the girl out, "come on, it's late. I better send you home."

The girl followed the witch out, not before she peeked at the sleeping beauty. As they out of the room, curious Astra asked another question, "hey, earlier she said which I quote, ‘we're mates’ what does it mean?"

Eli chuckled a little, "so she had the guts to tell you. Well for your explanation, the Moon Goddess blessed the werewolf with a lifetime partner, what they usually call a mate. They say you know your mate the moment you see them."

Astra tried to processed the new information in her head. "Wait! Does that mean I am her lifetime partner?" she said in shock.

"Yes, you are. I personally find you for her to know."

"That doesn't make any sense. How can it happen? I mean how can we be together?" the girl panicked.

Eli stopped on her track which made Astra also stopped. The older girl put her hands on Astra's shoulders. "Calm down, kay? It's not forced onto you. You can accept her or deny the bond according to your heart. But please, for her sake I want you to think it through."

Astra sighed, "okay, I will. But another question," Eli rolled her eyes, so Astra quickly added, "last one, promise. Are you... a werewolf too?"

Eli smiled and chanted something with her her left hand while her right still on Astra's shoulder. "Nope. I'm 100% human, who happen to know witchcraft."

Astra was about to open her mouth as the world around her turned. The last thing she saw was Eli waved at her and mouthed 'bye bye'. In a blink she was already at her room. She opened the door to make sure.

"Astra!" called her parents who are running upstairs. "When are you returned? Do you know how late it is?"

"Sorry. I got hooked up to one of those new stores that I forget the time. So I jumped to the window," she lied with apologetic looks.

"Seriously you can't scare us like that," her mother warned, "next time call us, okay?"

"Okay, promise," she said as she kissed both of her parents.

"Goodnight, sweetheart."

A/N: A solid 2k words hahaha

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