A Shove Towards Love

Start from the beginning

"So," Keith started, "does something about this whole thing feel kind of...off?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," said Pidge. She was busy typing something on her laptop, fingers flying across the keyboard. The light glinted off of her glasses when she glanced up at the three of them. "I'm trying to scan the planet-just to make sure what Allura said is true-and everything seems to check out. There's some sort of forcefield jamming my signals, but I'm not able to trace it. It's probably coming from the Novarians."

"Okay, but that doesn't mean something's not weird about this," Hunk argued. "How do we know we can trust them?"

"We don't," Lance said. "But we do have to follow Allura's orders."

"You think she's wrong about this?" Keith looked up at Lance, his eyebrow raised. Lance opened his mouth to defend himself when he felt a firm hand land on his shoulder.

"The princess knows what's best," came Shiro's voice from behind them. "If she says we're going down there, then we're going down there. They need our help. It would be good if you three could remember that."

An awkward, guilty silence fell over the trio, broken only by the sound of Pidge's frantic typing.

Keith was the first to speak.

"Sorry, Shiro," he said, sounding sincere.

"It's just-" At Shiro's pointed look, Hunk stopped. "Nevermind. Sorry. I'll be quiet now."

"See that you are." Shiro nodded, lips lifting into a smile. "I understand you're all concerned, but this is nothing we can't handle."

Somehow, that wasn't comforting.

By the time Coran entered the room, they were all seated in a circle, waiting patiently for his tutelage.

"Ready, paladins?" he chirped, wiggling a pad with a bunch of what looked like gibberish on it. "I have the communications from our Novarian friends right here. It appears that they don't speak any form of English or Altean-or anything at all, really-but the signal was coded to indicate that they need immediate assistance."

"What kind of help?" Pidge asked. "Do you think it's Zarkon?"

"Should we take the ship into orbit?" Shiro added.

"I don't think that will be necessary," Coran replied. He poked the screen, bringing up another display. "Don't you worry; leave that to Allura and myself. For now, it's time to learn about the Novarian customs!"

Lance groaned. Why did he have a feeling this was going to be boring?

Coran went on for about half an hour on the greetings alone. Apparently when he said that they made use of the mind, he meant that the people of Novaria didn't speak from any type of orifice, relying on touch to communicate ideas. Lance tried to imagine one of them hugging a communication panel and had to stop himself from snickering.

Hunk shot him a reproachful look.

"Imagine someone probing your brain," Coran explained. "Your thoughts, your memories; all of it open for the world to see. It's just like that!"

"Great," Keith drawled. "I love having my brain probed. Can we say no to this whole greeting thing?"

"I'm afraid not, Keith." Coran twirled his mustache. "As much as I'd like to allow you to escape with your mind untouched, it would be terribly rude to the Novarians. You shouldn't have to worry, though! I'm certain they won't care about anything holed up in there."

This time Lance did snicker. Loudly. Keith shot him a dirty look.

"I'm not so sure about this either." Hunk shuddered. "Anything involving aliens touching my brain makes me nervous. What if they, like, take over our minds? What then?!"

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