Phone Calls

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This isn't really a chapter, just what phone calls from their parents to them would sound like.

Firey's Phone Call:

Firey: Hey, mom.

Firey's Mom: Firey! How is the boarding school?

Firey: It's fine. Things are pretty interesting.

Firey's Mom: Is something wrong? I feel like something happened to you today.

Firey: Well, yeah. These boys named Blocky and Eraser put some water on my arm.

Firey's Mom: How dare they! I'm going to burn those-

Firey: M-mom, it's fine, you know we aren't supposed to go around burning people! Thanks, though.

Firey's Mom: It isn't right to hurt a fire elementalist with water, either.

Firey: Well, yeah, that's true.

Firey's Mom: You should retaliate.

Firey: It's fine, mom. I don't think they're going to do it again as long as Leafy is around.

Firey's Mom: Why?

Firey: She beat them up.

Firey's Mom: Tell her congrats. It's always great to beat someone up!

Firey: Uuuuhhh, okay. Bye!

Firey's Mom: See you later!

Leafy's Phone Call

Leafy: Mom! Dad!

Leafy's Mom: Leafy! We miss you so much already!

Leafy's Dad: Yeah, but I hope you're having a good time!

Leafy: Thanks! Though there were some problems with Firey today.

Leafy's Mom: Oh no! Is he okay?

Leafy: Yeah, he's fine now. But there were some mean boys who poured water on his arm! And he has a really mean! And he got a really rude person to share his dorm with!

Leafy's Dad: That's extremely rude. How is he now?"

Leafy: Yeah, he's good!

Leafy's Dad: Tell him that we have his back!

Leafy's Mom: Yes! We'll do anything to support you, Firey, and Pin. Feel free to call us anytime!

Leafy: Thanks, mom! Thanks, dad! You're the best parents ever!

Leafy's Mom: We love you, Leafy!

Leafy's Dad: Sorry, we have some work to do now. Call back later?

Leafy: Of course! Bye!

Leafy's Parents: Bye!

Golf Ball's Phone Call

Golf Ball's Mom: GOLF BALL!

Golf Ball: Yes, mother? *sighs*

Golf Ball's Mom: Did you receive the results on your first assignment yet?

Golf Ball: No, mother, of course not! We didn't even start learning yet!

Golf Ball's Mom: Ugh. It's supposed to be a prodigious academy, not some daycare! I'm shocked that they didn't even assign any work for you younglings to do!

Golf Ball: Where's Volleyball? *silence*

Golf Ball: Hello? 

Golf Ball: Ugh, she already hung up.

Pin's Phone Call

Pin: Mom!

Pin's Mom: Hello! How's school?

Pin: Excellent! Leafy beat up three boys already!

Pin's Mom: Fantastic! She has always been an excellent pupil... *sighs in content* (Pin's Mom knows karate, kung fu, jujitsu, aikido, hapkido, tae kwon do, fencing, sword fighting, archery, shooting, hunting, wrestling, and some strange tai chi-like motion but while running non stop backwards for an hour.)

Pin: I know, right? Sorry, but I gotta go!

Pin's Mom: Okay, bye!

Pin: Bye!

Coiny's Phone Call

Coiny: Dad?

Coiny's Dad: $%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$

Coiny: Okay, bye. *hangs up and sits down sadly* 

Who's parent to you like best? (you don't have to answer or even think about this question if you want)

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