Chapter Eight- Firey's Secret

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Firey felt great. Leafy and Pin had helped him get rid of that annoying Coiny and now they were just peacefully eating their lunches in a nice garden. What could go wrong?

Leafy finished up the last bits of her cheeseburger and threw the wrapper in a trash can. She was chatting with Pin about their hotel room. Firey watched as Leafy laughed to a joke Pin had told her. Her laugh was so clear, and the way her hair blew in the wind...

Firey shook his head. Stop it! He thought frantically, Leafy is your best friend and you know it! Stop thinking about her like that!

"Firey!" Leafy called out to him with a worried expression. Oh, she's so beautiful... Firey mentally scolded himself. STOP THINKING ABOUT HER LIKE THAT!!!

"You've been so quiet, you okay?" Leafy asked worriedly.

"Uh... huh? Oh, yeah! I'm good!" Firey quickly snapped out of his trance. "Sorry, I was thinking about school." he lied.

"Oh, it's interesting, huh?" Leafy beamed, "I agree! It's so cool that there is a huge garden... the dorms are cool... and the food is great, too..." Leafy went on and on about how cool the school was, and Pin stared at Firey curiously. 

Firey wasn't sure he liked the way Pin was glancing at them

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Firey wasn't sure he liked the way Pin was glancing at them. He cleared his throat. "Uh, Leafy? It's almost 2:00. Do you want to look around?

"Sure!" Leafy said as she jumped up, "Let's go!" 

Firey trailed after her. Maybe someday he would confess to her... when he got the courage to. But not today.

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