Chapter Fourteen- Evil Leafy

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"Blue Whirl's my girlfriend." Firey informed.

Leafy felt her heart shatter.


Leafy jolted out of bed, breaking into a cold sweat. She realized that the entire thing was just a dream. She wiped the sweat off her forehead. Just as she was finally calming down, Pin opened the door. Leafy looked up at Pin. "Firey's not your boyfriend now, is he?" she asked.

"No, of course not!" Pin said, "I just got him a bit mad and he set himself on fire. It's really scary when he does that, you know what I mean? So he apologized and we were friends again. That's why we hugged. He got mad because I was trying to make him tell you his little secret."

Leafy tried to not notice that that was word for word just like what Pin said in her dream. 

"But what is his secret?" Leafy asked, taking inspiration from her dream.

"Heh heh..." Pin snickered, "Maybe you'll find out soon..."

Once again, word for word.

Does this mean that there would also be Blue Whirl? Leafy wondered, What if my dream becomes reality?

"What?" Leafy asked, taking inspiration once again from her so-realistic-it's-scary dream.

"Nothing~" Pin said in a tone that implied that it wasn't nothing, "Why don't you find your boy now? He's waiting for you in the lobby~!"

Yikes. There were the dream words. Leafy waited for Pin to push her out the door, and indeed, she did.


Leafy ran a hand nervously through her hair. She was worried that there would be Blue Whirl with Firey. If she was real, yikes. That dream was really, really scary. She was nervous all the way to the elevator, and when she finally walked into the lobby,she saw Firey, thank goodness, with no Blue Whirl next to him. Leafy sat down across from him. 

"Leafy-" Firey started-

"I love you!" Leafy burst out.

Firey looked at her in surprise, but then started fidgeting with the corners of his sleeves nervously. Leafy looked at him, worried. Did I do something wrong?

"Um, Leafy, I love you too, but as a friend." Firey answered apologetically. 

"U-um, t-that's f-fine! S-sorry for rushing you!" Leafy stammered.

"Sorry, Leafy." Firey said sadly, "I really love you, I wish I could feel that sort of love about you too." he gently held Leafy's hand.

"Leafy!" Leafy turned to see a girl who looked like an exact replica of her sitting on a chair near them, except that the girl had blood red hair and clothes. She was smirking as she cleaned her fingernails with a knife. "How do you feel being rejected by your best friend?"

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