Sanji VS The Invincible Pearl

Start from the beginning

I chuckle, "Well, he may be a good fighter, but chore boy just isn't for him."

Zeff looks at me, "You must be the girl he spends his breaks with. I'd keep my eye on him if I were you."

"I'm doing my best, sir," I nod.

"Open the fins," Sanji's voice snaps me to his conversation.

"The fins?" I tilt my head to the side.

"Won't that give the pirates more room to roam?" A cook asks.

"Exactly what I want, so go," Sanji commands, and then the cook rushes off. "Now, darling," he looks down at me. "The fins make the deck of the ship bigger, giving us more room to fight those who are coming to attack us. That way we won't wreck the restaurant and make the crap-geezer lose his mind."

"What did you say, brat?" Zeff glares at Sanji.

"I said that you would scream like a baby if anything happened to your precious restaurant," Sanji glares back.

"Get ready for the fight, Akari," Luffy chuckles as he rushes passed me.

"I'm ready," I smile, turning to watch as Luffy runs backwards into the restaurant as his hands grip the railing outside. "Kick some ass, Captain."

"Give us the ship!" The pirates scream as they begin making their way over to us.

"Here I go!" Luffy declares before lifting his feet up and flinging himself at the enemy. He leaves his arms out to clothes-line anyone who can't get out of the way. "Giant scythe!"

"Perfect, Luffy!" I lift my fists to the air and jump around in a happy dance.

"Great going, chore boy!" The cooks around me exclaim.

"You ungrateful bastard!" Luffy shouts at Krieg. "I am going to kick you to the moon!"

"Is that so?" Krieg taunts. "Then why bring the fight to me out on the open water? I know that Devil Fruit users like you can't swim. That you will sink to the bottom of the ocean like a stone."

"I can still stretch and get you!"

"Baratie Naval Warfare Weapon!" Patty's voice comes from somewhere nearby. "The Mackerel Head One!"

"Anyone who wants to keep on living better get swimming!" Another cook shouts out.

I turn to see that front of the Baratie, the fish's head, pop off and turn into a boat of its own. The mouth opens to show three gun barrels, and they are aimed at the damn pirates that just won't let this one thing go.

"The fins are spreading!" A cook shouts.

I spin around as all around the ship, parts of the deck that was once underwater make its way to the surface. "This is awesome," I skip over to Sanji. "Do you bring these up for more seating?"

Sanji grins, "We bring them up whenever we need them."

"What can a bunch of cooks do against us pirates anyways!?" Some of the pirates scream.

I giggle, stepping into a fighting stance with multiple shurikens in each hand. "Come at me, dick wads."

"Never underestimate cooks of the sea!" The cooks scream back.

The fish head boat heads straight for Krieg as the rest of us defend the main part of the Baratie. It feels good to be able to take out men that think they can just run at us and take us out. To see the shock in their eyes as I kick their ass with little effort.

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