Lashton - I'll follow where I'm lead *Part 1*

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I'll follow where I'm lead by hukelashton

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Luke was late for his flight.

Now, Luke being late for things wasn't an unusual occurrence. He'd always been late for school, when he turned up anyway (it was never really his forte). When he first started his job he was always late, but soon enough he figured out that people get fired for that kind of thing, so he tried to make a little more effort with his time keeping. A lad's gotta make money after all.

He didn't want to go to to the pointless meetings in another city miles and miles away, but he'd already been pushing his luck with his boss that week. So when Luke was asked to take a flight from Sydney to Adelaide and sit in on meetings all day with the deputy general manager, he didn't really get a say. Luke kept himself fuelled on coffee and he just about made it through the day alive, corporate meetings were so boring, but this was all so he could get experience. He didn't go to college for four years getting a business degree for nothing.

Luke even wore a shirt and tie, but kept on the black skinny jeans and black converse. It may not have been professional to someone else's standards but Luke thought he looked pretty fucking awesome regardless. But the disapproving look his boss gave him every time he saw him wearing them was an added bonus.

So Luke powered through it like the good boy he was, however the last meeting had run over, and he was practically sprinting through the airport to get to the gate before it closed. Conveniently his manager didn't have a flight until the next day, so he got to stay in a fancy hotel while Luke got spend the rest of his night stuck on an plane for hours . Luke really wanted to strangle the guy. When Luke finally got to the gate, red in the face and about to fall over from the cramp he was feeling in his right leg, he's relieved to discover he had about ten minutes left until boarding.

Still wheezing, Luke shuffled over to a row of empty chairs in the waiting area, dropped his bag on the floor and collapsed onto the seats, his long body stretching across them easily. Despite all the coffee he'd consumed that day Luke was really exhausted. Luke remained there face down for those ten minutes, and when his flight was called to board, he forced himself up with a groan. Thankfully the cramp in his leg had gone.

He's lead through the gate quickly, he doesn't spend too much attention on his surrounds as he's still way too tired. Once in his seat Luke lets out a relieved breath and leans his head back, closing his eyes for a moment, revelling in the feeling that this long ass day soon going to be over.


Luke was confused when he found himself leaning on something soft. Had he fallen asleep? Did someone bring him a pillow? Did they do that sort of thing nowadays? Concentrating a little more Luke discovers that whatever he was laying on was a little too hard to be a pillow. It takes Luke another five seconds to remember where he was, and realising what he was doing, he jerks upright suddenly with a gasp, making the person whose shoulder he'd apparently been napping on swear loudly.

"Jesus fucking christ, warn a guy when you do that, would you?" a voice says irritably, a very nice voice, Luke thought, and he finally looks to his right.

The first thing Luke noticed was the impressive tan, then the wild mop of curls held back by a red bandana. He wore black skinny jeans like Luke did, but instead of a band shirt this guy was wearing a black vest that showed off ridiculously toned arms. But mostly he just looked really reallycool. Luke doesn't know whether he wants to be jealous of the guy or jump him.

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