Owlpaw flattened her ears, could a monster really do that? How could they cross the thunderpath? She looked towards the thunderpath as a monster came barreling down the sleek, black path. It was shaped unnaturally with shiny red flesh and huge, round black paws. It didn't seem to have any eyes or ears.

"That's not that scary." Slatepaw grumbled, twitching his tail irritably.

"They're bigger up close." Seedclaw mewed and began working his way down towards the thunderpath, Owlpaw and the others followed suit.

It didn't take long for them to reach the edge of the thunderpath and Owlpaw was shocked at how big it really was. The surface was dark and rough, with and odd yellow stripe down the center and a horrible, arcid stench wafted from the hot surface. She could feel the heat lifting off of it.

"When we cross," Seedclaw mewed walking up to the edge. "I want all of you to run across as fast as you can. Don't stop until you're safely on the other side, understand? Wait for my call." All cats nodded, even Slatepaw. They faced the thunderpath, anxiously waiting Seedclaw's call.

As they waited another monster tore across the thunderpath. The wind that it caused was nearly enough to knock Owlpaw off her paws. Great StarClan! She exclaimed, her heart pounding.

"Now!" Seedclaw shouted once the monster passed. Owlpaw and the others broke into a spring across the thunderpath. The rough surface scraped at Owlpaw's already damaged paws, but she didn't stop until her paws hit the grass on the other side.

"That wasn't so bad." Leopardpaw mewed between pants. Owlpaw nodded and looked forward, wanting to see what was waiting for them beyond the thunderpath. Ahead of them was a small field, but it led to strange dens, they were jagged with unnatural colors and shapes.

"What are those?" Owlpaw questioned, she could see her travel mates eyeing them curiously as well.

"Twoleg nests." Seedclaw replied with a flick of his tail. "This is a twolegplace." His green eyes scanned the odd shaped horizon. "We'll probably have to cross through, but we should try and go around if possible."

"Scared of twolegs, kittypet?" Slatepaw teased, his smug expression filled Owlpaw with annoyance. Doesn't he ever know how to shut up? Seedclaw turned to face Slatepaw with annoyance in his eyes.

"When twolegs see unfamiliar cats they do one of two things. Capture you or try and hurt you. If you want to go get captured and live your life as a kittypet or have crowfood thrown at your head then be my guest."

Slatepaw let out a quiet hiss but didn't respond. Leafdawn walked up beside Slatepaw and flicked her tails over his ears. "You better start respecting the cats around you." She muttered under her breath. Slatepaw didn't respond to his mentor either.

"Let's get going." Seedclaw led the way forward towards the twolegplace and away from the thunderpath. They walked through the small field, and neared a strange wooden wall with a large gap that lead to another area inside the twolegplace. As they neared the wall, Owlpaw could hear strange, high pitched noises.

"Twolegs." Seedclaw said quietly, holding up his tail to slow their pace. "Be careful." The LichenClan warrior moved forward with caution, pawsteps light and ears on high alert. Owlpaw kept close to Earthpelt, she had never seen a twoleg before but she had a sneaking suspicion that she was about to.

They neared the gap and took a moment to assess what was ahead of them. Owlpaw was shocked at what she laid her eyes on. Large creatures who walked in their hind legs, their bodies were hairless and pale with weird colored pelts hanging loosely on their bodies. "Twolegs are hideous." Fennelpaw said, flicking his tail. "You actually lived with those things?" He cast a glance towards his mentor.

Waging War: Book 1: Beyond the Mountains {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now