31- visitor from the past

Start from the beginning

like it was their fault.

mark sighed, "what about flyers?"

she scoffed, "we don't have the budget for that."

mark was just about to respond with another idea, or to mock wheein for being so quick to dismiss his idea, he hadn't quite decided which yet, when they heard the small tinkle of the bell.

a customer! mark thought happily, glad he wouldn't have to go through another shouting match with his boss. his head shot up from the counter to see who the customer was when his heart stopped beating.

he knew that face.

he knew that face so well it felt like someone had started squeezing on his heart, so harshly that he swore it really ached.

he ducked behind the counter before he and the customer could make eye contact and tried to conceal his harsh, raggedy breaths. mark felt himself start to lose contact with his body, mind turning a hazy black, save for an image of the customer burnt into his memory.

why the fuck was youngjae in korea?

wheein looked at him with knitted eyebrows before switching on her horrible fake smile for youngjae. mark peeped over the top of the counter, careful to duck back down when youngjae looked his way. he had to see what was going on.

it was youngjae.
youngjae was in his estate agents.

"how may i help you?" wheein asked, moving to her fake, happy voice with ease. mark swore she raised it like 2 pitches and grimaced at the sound.

youngjae wasted no time, "my friend... he moved to korea some time ago, i was wondering if you had seen him?"

wheein's eyes drifted down to where mark was sat and she mouthed, "what the fuck mark?!" as youngjae got distracted trying to find something on his phone.

mark's wild eyes glared back at her, "i know him." he mouthed back, "that's youngjae. my ex."

she threw a hand over her mouth before quickly turning back to youngjae as he spoke again, this time holding up his phone with a picture of mark on it, "do you recognize him? he told me he'd go to the nearest estate agents to the airport so.. i dunno.. i think he might've come here.."

wheein had no choice but to nod, "yes sir," she said brightly, "that's mark tuan. we sold him an apartment in wingate gardens just under six months ago. would you like to rent a place there too?"

"no.. no no thanks, i'd just like his address please, i just want to visit him."

wheein winked at mark, from where he was crouched, his knees starting to buckle from weakness. that wink did not feel like a good thing.

"i'm afraid i can only tell you that information if you're a tenant of the same estate. the rent is 300 won a week."

youngjae looked conflicted, opening up his wallet and glancing at the contents of his wallet and sighing, "go on then, i really need to speak with him."

"brilliant!" wheein said, her happy voice starting to fade as she handed him a contract attached to a clipboard and a pen, "if you would like to move into the room adjacent where you can fill this out as i get my associate."

she gestured to small door to her left, caked in a layer of greenish black mould. youngjae grimaced.

"great.. okay.." and with that, youngjae walked into the even dirtier office room the estate agents had, filled with a desk and two chairs.

the minute the door shut behind him, wheein dragged mark up from behind the counter by his collar. he groaned.

"mark tuan!" she said, her tone taking on an excited air that made mark want to slap her. seeing a man who ruined his life wasn't something to get excited about, "that was your ex?! oh wow, he's looking for you."

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