tired jack!(●'ω`●)

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my mind literal was like fuck it upload it early cmon!! ughh here i am uploading it early but anyways lemme get to the point i've been writing so much fluff honestly i think all this soft music is hitting now.... weird huh? but honestly goodnight i'm gonna wake up at 12 o'clock tmr and write mostly a lot since i'm gonna make some coffee. also i got a new mac book idk but i'm gonna start using it to write but i feel like its gonna be weird. ahhhhh i should stop talking but i noticed that i haven't wrote smut in a while would anyone want one? ;) mAINLY goodnight luv u all!! <3

-jack had the tendency to invite himself to ur apartment at ungodly hours of the night
-u'd leave ur window unlocked when u went to bed just in case he decided to skate to your casa at 3am or somethin
-whenever he comes in, he's eXHAUSTED
-he'd crawl under the covers with u and trace patterns on ur back with his cold fingers!!!!!!!!
-and u'd roll over and hold his face bc he's so so cold and u wanna warm him up~
-when he's tired he gets sooooo clingy oh my god
-he'd scrunch his face up and be all whiny if u moved at all
-"come here...cuddle me, pleeeease..."
-"jack, i am, i- you're suffocating me, babe."
- and !!every now and then he'd fall asleep then jolt himself awake
-then he'd tug on ur sleeve and ask if u were awake with his sleepy lil voice <3
-he'd reach out and hold ur face in his hands like u were to him jfbcdkjbj BiH
-nd u'd both just be lying there in a warm, comfy silence
-until he'd scrunch up his nose again and start being a baby
-"i'm coooold"
-"stop staring at meee"
-"come closerrrr"
-the boy's a whiny little bitch but it's so cute
-every now and then he'd open his eyes a lil and smile at you
-mumbling sweet things!! with a sleepy grin!!
-"you're so pretty...so prettyyyy..."
-he NEVEr would say that when he's thinking straight bc he's too shy
-but he always thinks it and his filter kinda blurs when he's tired
-and it makes you all red and nervous because he looks at you like you're art or some shit
-"aww, pretty...pretty giiiiirl...you're blusssshhhhing" *giggles* BOI
-BUT...EVentually he'd fall asleep with his hands caressing your face
-you'd close your eyes and listen to his breathing slow down as he fell asleep <3333
-then the two of you would be dozin' off together under the covers

jack dylan grazer ended ! ♡Where stories live. Discover now