Making out to soft music! §

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I'm posting this tonight early because I have to go to sleep early due to school for me tomorrow! so while I'm at school, I'm going to try to write as much as I can because at my school they don't allow phones out but I still sneak it in😝. Anyways I won't bug much tonight because I'm going to bed early! :(
Ughhh I hate school!

ps: i know this is short but this is all I could come up with at the moment but I have more done!!!💞

* Jack and you always have music playing when you're hanging out
* Oftentimes it's too quiet to even know what the song is, but it's a constant in your relationship
* It's a summer's afternoon and filming is over, and summer stretches before you both like a huge adventure
* You're lying on Jack's bed in his arms, love songs playing like murmurs on the cool breeze coming in through the open window and just barely ruffling his curls as you exchange sweet kisses
* His mouth is soft against yours, his lips slow and unhurried like the music surrounding you, filling you with a warmth and calmness that only his kisses can bring you
* Your nails lightly scratch soothing circles on his scalp, making him melt against you
* His fingertips ghost over your cheek lovingly, his crooked nose pressing against yours as his lips caress yours more insistently
* When he opens his mouth to take a breath of the shared air between you like a singer preparing for their first verse, your tongue moves lazily to taste his and silences the sweet notes leaving his lips

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