"can i kiss you?"

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hey guys i know i haven't been uploading in a while. i've been wanting to upload because i haven't been very productive, i swear i am gonna either post more later or tomorrow due to me having to be quarantined in california since they announced that we should stay inside! i have 5 weeks off of school so it's my little break! i already finished all my math homework i just have to do my language and support homework!! which is easy but i have to read a lot :( ! but yeah i'm gonna upload more and my other book which i have to makeup more ideas! but if anyone has like requests feel free to send them right here or message me them! so yeah erm love you all and stay safe!!

It was the most cliché moment you'd ever been a part of, you were sure of it. The exact turn of events that led you to being broke down on the side of the road with your best friend, however, you were extremely unsure about. You told jack that an overnight road trip would require lots of intricate planning, but he was more of a 'figure it out on the way' type of guy. You hated going into anything without a plan, but you agreed to go on this adventure with him. And you couldn't lie, you were having fun until now.

You were driving down a bumpy, deserted highway when the gas light came on. It wasn't ten miles later that his beloved car came to a quite pitifully slow halt in the middle of the highway, which you and jack had to push it onto the side and out of the way of traffic.

"What now?" You asked as you opened the car door to sit next to him in the passenger seat. The pale moonlight made it hard to see his expression, but you could hear the smile and affection in his voice.

He declined his seat before reaching an arm behind him to grab a blanket from the backseat, big enough to cover the both of you. "Well," he paused to adjust to his newly positioned seat, "According to Google, there's a gas station north from here. It's within walking distance. But I'm pretty tired." He turned over on his side to look at you.

"Morning it is." You said with a quiet laugh and moved around to get comfortable in your half of the blankets. You were on your side as well so you were both face to face.

It was quiet for a while. And while you weren't exactly tired, you tried to fall asleep to the distant sound of traffic. When you peeked your eyes open, you saw that jack's eyes were closed, confirming that he was asleep. That was until he said, "Remember when we were tiny little kids and I went on vacation with my family, and you showed up to my house the day we're leaving and cried because you thought I was never coming back?"

You tried your absolute best to conceal the wide smile on your face. "Yes," you affirmed, opening your eyes to meet his. "And I would still do that now if I thought you were leaving." You remarked with honestly and assurance in your voice.

He had the slightest glint of endearment in his eyes. "I would too."

Again, the small atmosphere of the car fell silent, but it was a comfortable and tender silence. No words were necessary to understand the feelings between you both.

"Can I kiss you?" He posed.

For a reason you could not name, the question did not seem as out of the blue as it would have if it were asked ten minutes or so ago. Without thinking twice, you leaned in and closed the gap between your lips. The kiss was warm and perfect. It felt more than right.

When you finally pulled away, jack was beaming. A sense of pride washed over you. "Next time don't ask. Just do it."

"My bad." He chuckled.

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