First times with Jack! ❐

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So basically I'm back I had a lot of studying and writing for my language art class ! Anyways I'm going to write maybe a lot this week because I wrote some fics down :)

                     First times with Jack

First Date:

* Jack planned everything out to the last detail
* it was a nice dinner at Finn's place
* because Finn insisted and he wanted to help Jack win you over
* Jack also insisted that he had it covered but he was lying
* he was so scared that you wouldn't be satisfied with the food or the decor or the ambience
* but he remembered that it wasn't in your personality to be superficial
* Finn acted as the waiter for you and Jack, carrying a silver platter while dressed in a tux
* there was a scented candle in the middle of the small table
* it was intimate and perfect
* Jack was charming and funny and he did everything right

First Kiss:

* your first kiss with jack wasn't uh...
* let's just say it's wasn't the most romantic kiss ever
* it was on accident for starters
* you and jack had been dating for at least two months
* he would've kissed you sooner but he was still trying to get to know you as a person
* it was in his car at night, on the highway
* you and jack had just gotten out from watching a movie
* you were ranting about how bad the ending was, while jack was disagreeing, pointing out how the rest of the movie had made up for it
* but your time together was cut short as jack pulled up to your driveway to drop you off
* and you leaned over the console to give jack a kiss on the cheek
* BUT he happened to turn his face at the exact moment because this idiot wasn't paying attention
* you both jump back, shouting at each other
* "Jack!"
* "Y/N?!"
* you were sort of disappointed that your first kiss with jack happened like THAT but
* it seemed perfect for your dynamic and it was so in tune with jack's personality
* of course his first kiss with you would be something totally different
* afterwards he swore it was on accident and he would never force himself into you
* because consent

First Time Saying 'I love you' :

* it was when jack patched up jaeden's leg, a really ugly and bad scrape that looked painful as shit
* he tried to keep jaeden as comfortable as possible
* he hated seeing the him like this
* you were consoling jaeden, letting him squeeze your hand as jack wrapped a bandage after pouring a disinfectant
* when jaeden was asleep, you were so proud of jack and in awe of his compassion for others
* he was dad material right there
* and so you kissed him
* and told him you loved him without hesitation
* he loves you too

First Time Having Sex 18+:

* it was casual
* you both agreed to do it after a heated make-out session
* it was BOUND to happen sometime with how horny jack is which is like often
* Jack was gentle and playful at the same time
* blowing raspberries into your hips and littering your neck with hickies
* he was a tease and his mouth did wonders
* Jack almost came in the first twenty seconds of you giving him head but he endured
* he's more of a grower than a shower
* thicker than he is long oop
* you both almost broke the bed
* Jack never felt any better as he gazed into your eyes, watching you take all of him

First Time Away From Each Other:

* Jack cannot be away from you for more than a week
* so when you go off on vacation with family to god knows where
* he's so sad
* like a lost puppy
* and he's kind of a dick sometimes
* he'll be hanging out with the party but he's looking at the picture of you and him in his wallet, tracing your face with a pout
* Finn thinks it's dramatic but sophia thinks it's sickeningly cute
* he misses your hugs, kisses, and your voice
* big ass baby
* when he's out and he sees something that reminds you of him, he'll point it out to Sophia
* "that's Y/N's favorite ice cream."
* "that's her favorite color."
* "she loves that restaurant."
* he's just a sap

First Apartment:

* you and Jack are about in your mid 20s when you decide to move in together
* there's a nice apartment for the two of you, a little far from Los Angeles
* but not too far because you all have amazing friends back home and you don't want to leave them
* it's a big apartment complex, tall building and everything
* it makes you and jack feel like adults - which you are but
* you and jack are like the perfect couple ever
* you're helping each other load boxes into the living room, unpacking, laying out everything, and decorating
* once jack had assembled the bed, it was over for you
* this dork always wanted to cuddle, but you knew if you caved into him, you would not be able to finish the rest of the apartment
* there's fake plants everywhere because you and jack CANNOT keep a plant alive
* there's a cute leather couch in the center of the living room and a nice armchair where you like to ride jack
* anyways
* Sophia loves to visit
* you even make her stay over
* that's when you kick jack out of the bed, and he takes the couch
* but he's a little jealous that you and Sophia get to stay together
* sad puppy
* speaking of puppies

First Pet:

* you and jack get a dog
* it's an adorable brown poodle from the pound
* you decided that he was the one because he resembled jack a little too much
* that dog had great fur
* Jack treated the dog like his child
* you named him Nemo
* Jack hated it
* but you thought it was hilarious
* okay but sometimes Nemo likes to sleep on the bed, between you and jack
* it's all one happy family
* Jack takes Nemo for a morning jog every week
* and then you guys like to spend time at the city park on weekends
* during holidays, you, Jack, and Nemo head home to Los Angeles
* everyone misses you guys
* and everyone loves Nemo

Hey guys I think I might do a 2nd part! 💞

jack dylan grazer ended ! ♡Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя