Jack falling in love with his Bestfriend! ◍

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So I'm currently working on another one so stay tuned!!  😎

* jack is a dummy alright
* so he wouldnt notice that hes falling for you until someone points it out
* Wyatt would be the first to notice and would give jack so much shit
* but jack would brush him off
* because
* "she's just my best friend, you dumbass"
* but then others would begin to notice and bring it up to him
* Sophia would call you "his girl" when you showed up and tease him for how he already had your order ready for whenever you go out
* and Enya would tell him how much she loved you
* how you make him happy!!!
* the others in the group would definitely call you both mum and dad
* and you'd hella blush
* and jack would find it cute as fuck
* once everyone realised that jack didnt believe that he liked you
* they began to tell him how much you liked him
* finn and the others would rant about how amazing you are
* Sophia would obnoxiously pretend to flirt with you to get her dumb friend jealous
* enya and drew would try to bring you up in EVERY conversation
* but it all flew over jack's perfect head
* until it hit him
* you were at Enya/drew/Josiah/josh's apartment
* all of you watching shitty movies and making videos together
* and you start going into a rant about pink Friday and green Saturday, whether which one is better
* and jack would just sit there and watch as you threw your hands up when you agreed with drew
* or how you'd pout your lips when they disagreed with you
* and all he wanted to was to grab your cheeks and kiss you
* but it hit him like a fucking train
* he loved you.
* and he wouldnt know wtf to do???
* so he'd rush out of the room like a dickhead
* and everyone would yell at you to go see what was wrong
* so you would
* jack would probably be pacing in the bathroom
* muttering something about how he was going to tell you
* what if you didnt like him back?? :"(
* but you heard it all
* and it would be too late for jack to come up with an excuse when he caught sight of you in the mirror
* so hed sigh and suck it up
* because even if you didnt feel the same, he could at least move on
* again
* dumbass would wait for you to make the first move
* so you just slam your lips against his!!
* and OH MY GOD you were kissing him??!!!
* jack would internally freak before melting into the kiss
* y'all would be the funniest couple ever :)

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