Best friends with Jack! ▩

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Sorry guys! that I couldn't post yesterday I was at a brockhampton concert yesterday so I couldn't do much but hopefully this makes up?  🥺

* You and Jack never really got along at first, in fact the two of you would get into arguments over the smallest thing.
* But once the two of you actually got to know each other and you realised he wasn't a major ass hat like the people he would spend his time with, the two of you became really good friends.
* The two of you would go to movies together and come out with some kind of inside joke based on the movie.
* Jack had introduced you to the others that he had become friends with, the main one being Finn.
* Jack and you actually being a good team.
* Constantly making fun of each other and knowing that neither of you mean any of what you both said.
* Long talks in a diner about anything and everything.
* You telling jack a really bad pun that instantly makes him wish that he never knew you.
* And then Jack makes a really terrible one that makes you drop your head to the table.
* Being dragged off in the middle of the night to god knows where for an adventure.
* Watching so man movies together.
* Trying to be a wing man/woman to jack to help him get a date.
* But also being the one person who constantly tell him to concentrate on himself than get into another relationship.
* And being the voice of reason whenever a fight breaks out.
* Patching Jack up after the fight he had gotten into and giving him a long lecture about it.
* To which he'd just roll his eyes at you and makes a joke about it.
* Always calling each other whenever you can, or keeping in touch with each other as much as possible.
* You tell each other everything.
* Being supportive of each other.
* Getting into an argument with each other but it never sticks so you're back to talking to each other a few minutes later.
* Helping him rehearse lines.
* Pizza nights where you both rent out a few movies and binge watch them all night and instantly regret it in the morning.
* Play fighting.
* Long hugs as you say goodbye to each other at the end of the day.
* Keeping each other company on rough days.

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