Movies! 🐰

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I know I haven't posted but I might post some tonight because I haven't had many ideas! Anyways enjoy!

* you and jack have different taste in movies
* for example:
* you like horror movies and he didn't
* but that didn't stop you from forcing him to watch them with you
* it's usually around the times when his heart was about to beat out of his chest from fear that he regrets being your best friend
* and that's usually when you realize how much you love torturing him
* Since he plays Eddie you wouldn't think he would be scared of anything but,
* yet jump scares and whatever movie you pick gives him nightmares for days
* worse than pennywise or whatever else he has acted with! :)
* Whenever you two watch a scary movie, you two always do the same thing:
* he starts off with a blanket wrapped tightly around him while you are just sitting next to him like a normal person
* the first fright of the night happens and he swears a lot
* you usually laugh at him but still feel slightly bad
* when thing's start getting a little too much
* you reach your hands over and grab his
* this usually calms him down
* by the end of the movie, you are practically pulled on top of him while he's using you as a human shield to protect him from whatever movie you choose
* Scary movie night gets 10x more interesting when the others  join you guys
* half of them are like jack
* some of them are like you
* the others don't really pay attention and don't give two shits about what's going on
* and those little shits are usually the ones who decide to play a prank on everyone else
* Sometimes you join them
* other times, you just laugh at how well they scare the others
* another thing to add,
* you ALWAYS make them watch the movies in the dark
* nothing but the tv to light up the room
* makes it even better
* so long story short on this headcanon
* you love to make jack suffer and it's his own damn fault for being your friend
* your friendship is honestly your favorite thing in the world
* and scary movies/ horror is the bomb and honestly doesn't even faze me anymore

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