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"What the fuck?" Dylan yelled, yanking the door open to see none other than Andy, my 10th grade brother, along with his friends.

Oh my god.. I can't believe this is happening...

I put my face in my hands for a second, feeling more than a little embarrassed. I stayed sitting on the desk, not wanting to approach those little bastards.

"What the fuck are you doing here? Wasn't the gate a hint not to come back here?" Dylan yelled at them. I couldn't quite see them from where I was, but I didn't want to.

"I think the real question is, what are you two doing here?" One of Andy's friends laughed in Dylan's face. Dylan looked down on them in disgust, I could tell by the way he was shaking his head.

"Mom is gonna be pissed, Jess!" Andy yelled, peering out at me from behind Dylan's stature.

"She won't be if she never sees the video!" At that moment, I decided that I was sick of Andy being such a bitch. I stood up, walked over to him and tried snatching his phone away, but he was too quick. He lifted his phone away before I could grab it.

I flashed a look in Dylan's eyes with fear, and he looked back at me, seeming shocked and at a loss for words.

"Andy, please don't send it to her! Please!" I pleaded, but there was no hope.

He looked up with a devilish smile moments after that, saying, "Too late. Might as well finish up what you were doing in there, you know, make it worthwhile," He and his friends began to laugh and walked away. They looked like idiots climbing over the baby gate, obviously not having fully hit puberty yet as most of them, including Andy, were still pretty short.

"Well fuck..." Dylan whispered, closing the door and leaning his back on it. He closed his eyes and exhaled in frustration.

"That fucking cockblock piece of shit!" I yelled in a sheer panic. Dylan came over to me, slightly scared, trying to calm me down. "He's such a fucking bitch! Once I think that everything's gonna be fine, he comes in and messes everything up!" I put my hands up to my head and paced around the room. Dylan pulled me close and held me in his arms. My breath was heavy and I felt like I was going to hyperventilate.

"Babe, it's alright. Shh. Hey, look at me. It's okay," Dylan held my chin and forced me to look in his eyes, which did calm me down.

"Dylan, do you realize what's gonna happen? My mom won't ever let me see you again."

I began to cry. The thought of losing Dylan seemed unbearable. He was the only one keeping me together after all that had happened.

And yet, it seemed ironic, because he was the cause as well. The cause and solution..

"Hey, it's alright. We'll work through it, I promise, okay? We'll find a way to get through it. Together." He moved my hair out of my face and pulled me in for a quick kiss.

"Do you have your phone on you?" He asked.

"No, I left it on your bed," I realized where he was going with his train of thought. My phone must be blowing up with texts right about now.

We left his mom's office and walked up to his room. Sure enough, I heard buzzing noises coming from his bed. I was sure to lock the door behind us.

Dylan, being the first to walk in, picked up my phone and scrolled through the texts that I received from my mom, "Holy shit," he began, "Your mom is... pardon my French, but, she's a bitch." He looked up at me with wide, cautionary eyes, "I don't think you want to read these..."

"Well, what did she say?" I folded one of my arms under my chest and brought the other up to my mouth as a natural response to my anxiety. We both sat down on his bed, and I leaned up on his shoulder, both looking down at the texts but covering my eyes as I was too afraid to look.

"Uh, well, she said you're grounded until you go to college... and.. that you have to go home, like, right now."

"But.. I don't wanna go home," I felt tears welling up in my chest again, and there was nothing I could do to hold them back.

"Hey, Jess, babe, it's okay. Hey, calm down. It's alright. We'll get through this, I promise. It's okay," he hugged me and ran his hand up and down my back trying to calm me down, but it was useless. I cried and cried in his arms, cried for the hatred I felt for my mother and cried for the longing to stay with him for the rest of my sad, sad life.

"Come on Jess, stop being so mopey. We'll find a way to stay together. I promise." He brought my face up to his and wiped away my tears, which were still streaming down pretty hard.

"You promise?" I squeaked out.

"I promise," He kissed me one final time, softly, yet passionately, and after that, I began to pack up my things and Dylan drove me home once the party began to die down. It was probably the first party in which he didn't get drunk at all.

Mr. Playboy (Dylan Minnette/Clay Jensen/13 Reasons Why)Where stories live. Discover now