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"Jess, can you help me real quick? I gotta put all the glassware away," Dylan was going through his cupboards and taking anything glass out.

"Um, sure, but why exactly do you need to do that?" I asked as I walked over to the kitchen to help him. He was putting them in plastic containers.

"Well, I learned the hard way that if you trust people not to break glass at a party, they're gonna break it anyways. And my mom got so fucking mad," he laughed, looking back on the memory, "So now I just put it all in the shed until the morning after."

"That's smart. I wouldn't have thought of that."

"Wait, what? For once, I think of a better idea than you? That's never gonna happen again," Dylan laughed, looking at the embarrassment on my face as he put another glass cup in the container.

"Shut up," I laughed as I took the last glass bowl and put it in the plastic bin, "I think that's the last of it."

"Actually, there's more. My mom has these special wine glasses that she keeps," he opened the cupboard under the sink, "Here." He took a couple of them out and placed them gently in the bin, and I took a few and put them in as well.

After taking the last few, Dylan took the plastic bins into the shed. I asked him if there was anything else we had to do, and he said that that was it.

"You wanna hang out in the pool for a bit? People won't start to get here until like 8, so we got a couple hours."

"Okay, I'm gonna go change into my swimsuit then." I went into his room and pulled it out of my bag. I was really thankful that I brought it. He followed me up and changed into his as well.

We hung out in his pool for a little while, laying on inflatable loungers (a/n: sorry idk the correct terminology for a pool floaty lol) and even making out for a little while at the end, taking it up to his bedroom.

People started arriving to the party just as Dylan had predicted, and everything was going well. People were getting drunk, but nothing crazy. There were groups of people hanging out in and around the pool, in the kitchen, and even some guys playing video games in the living room. And then of course, there were the stoners out on the porch, which Dylan didn't seem to mind at all. Guess you can't stop 'em all.

We were hanging out in his second living room (what a rich bitch) talking to some of his popular friends, and one of them brought up the photo.

The goddamn photo that was spread around school.

I cringed, as I had tried to forget it even though it was just yesterday. Dylan tried to explain the best he could that I was raped and that I'm not super kinky, but it was really awkward and we ended up leaving before I burst out into tears. The girl who asked seemed embarrassed and maybe even a little apologetic, which was surprising for someone of her class.

I went up into his room for a few minutes to calm down while he was partying with some of his friends.

I sat on his bed, wondering if I would ever be able to go back down.

Now everyone knows me as the girl that was raped. And that's all they'll ever remember me for. Not the girl who was destined for great academic success, but the girl who was raped. Great.

I sat there for what seemed like a really long time, until Dylan finally came back up to check on me, "You doing alright? He asked, closing the door behind him.

"Honestly? No. I just- I really don't wanna go back out there. Please Dylan, you go have fun. Just leave me here. I'll put on a movie and just wait a couple hours for you. Please,"I pleaded to him, holding his hands and looking up at him as he came closer.

"Jess, there's no way I'm leaving you here by yourself. You've gotta get over it somehow, and that's by facing your fears. Let's go." He pulled me up and put his hand around my waist so that I couldn't resist. He was much stronger than me, and with his hand around my waist, there really wasn't anywhere for me to go.

"Dylan!" I cried, but ultimately went back down with him. Seeing everyone so happy cheered me up a little anyways.

Dylan and I were just walking around and talking to people, doing what a normal host would do. He had his hand on my back, and was telling me that everything would be alright, "You gotta face your fears at some point, right?" He said in my ear, having to shout a little since the music was blaring from the kitchen and the pool lounge area. We were walking outside to the pool.

"I guess..." I said, crossing my arms, looking away from him with a sneer.

"What?" He shouted in my ear.

"I said, I GUESS," I said a little louder with a sour tone.

"Just relax a little, Jess! Don't be so uptight," he laughed at me, and we walked out to see people doing backflips off of the roof into the pool. Dylan was laughing his ass off as one guy ended up doing a belly flop into the pool. I had to admit, it was pretty funny.

After talking with a few of his friends for half an hour, Dylan and I went back inside to look for a quiet place to... 'chill out.'

"I know just the place," he whispered softly in my ear, turning me on quite a bit. He held my hand and let me into his mom's office, which was down a long hallway behind one of those baby gates. It was pretty stupid, but surprisingly, it worked.

Dylan hiked me up on his mom's desk and pulled my hips closer to his, causing me to let out a little giggle. He started to kiss my neck softly, and I let out a moan.

He left little hickeys on the base of my neck, which I would later regret. He came back up to my lips and kissed me passionately, creating butterflies in my lower stomach.

"God, I love you so much," he breathed out in between kisses, which made me smile. One of my proudest achievements was changing him into someone that let go of their playboy ways.

"I love you more," I replied back, letting my fingers run through his hair, massaging his scalp. He let out a small grunt, in which I knew I was turning him on. His hands trailed down to my ass, and we kept making out, our lips moving as one.

I caressed the back of his neck, softly tugging at his skin, trying to make the most of the moment. His hand trailed up the front of my shirt, gripping my breast under my bra. I let out a soft cry as he gripped it tight.

"You like that?" He grunted, going back down to kiss my neck. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back, feeling him hit my sweet spot on the bottom right side.

"Mhm," I moaned out, barely hearing him over my own pleasure.

All of a sudden, his hand recoiled and he stopped kissing me, turning around. I looked up and opened my eyes to see the door slightly ajar, a phone with the flashlight on sticking through the small crack. There were boys laughing on the other side.


Hmmm, wonder who those boys could be! Also, I made a new cover for this book as it was badly needed. Hope you guys enjoyed! :)

Mr. Playboy (Dylan Minnette/Clay Jensen/13 Reasons Why)Where stories live. Discover now