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Wow! It's been so long since I've written for this story! I doubt anyone is even gonna read this after three years, lol.

I was just going through my old wattpad accounts and decided to read through this story. While I found it very cringy, I can still see some potential in it, and your guys' uplifting comments really give me some inspiration :)

Here goes nothing!

The glances thrown at me by what seemed like a sea of menacing faces almost sent me into a full blown panic attack. I squeezed Dylan's hand, signaling that I needed to get out of this horrendous place. Thank god it was Friday.

"Take me anywhere, please. Anywhere but here." I whispered into his ear, my voice cracking as I choked back tears.

"You got it." He said instantly. His thumb drew circles on the back of my hand, soothing me through what seemed like an endless trek of people to reach the front doors of the school. With each step, my legs felt heavier and heavier. My knees were threatening to collapse on me, until finally, he opened the front doors and we walked out. I could feel thousands of eyes on us as we left.

Breathing in a deep breath of fresh air and feeling the warmth of early morning sunlight, I felt better instantly. Nature can do wonders for you.

"Where do you wanna go?" He asked me as we walked towards his car. He opened the passenger door for me and I slumped down onto the seat, feeling the weight of a thousand bricks being lifted off of me as I felt I could finally breathe again being out of that terrible place.

I wished I could be someone that didn't care what others thought- someone that could ignore what other people said. But that's just not me. I care what people say about me. I thrive off of it. Maybe that's my fatal flaw. My fragile ego was shattered at this point. There was nothing left. All because of some stupid fucking high school drama.

And it all started when Dylan came into my life. I was perfectly fine before him: set to go to a prestigious college, get my Bachelors and maybe even Masters in English Literature, become a Professor and live the rest of my life teaching and even writing books of my own. But then Dylan came in. He lured me in with his charms and distracted me from my dreams.

He's just like a drug. Every time I'm with him feels like a high that I never want to end. But we always end up getting into trouble. And then when we're separated, I can't stand being alone. I need him. I crave him. At this point, I don't know if I can take it anymore.

But that's the hard part. I love him. But there are times when I think it shouldn't go in anymore. It's like... a game of tug of war inside my mind. It's tearing me apart.

"Jess? You there?" Dylan asked, waving his hand in front of my head.

"W-what?" I replied, my voice sounding shaky and soft.

"I asked where you wanted to go."

"Anywhere," I replied, looking out of the window into the endless cars throughout the parking lot, "Anywhere but here."

"Well, my mom's on a business trip for a couple days. Do you wanna just chill at my place? We can eat ice cream and watch scary movies." He pulled out of the parking lot and started driving down the main road.

"You know me so well." After everything that had happened over the past few months, a day of healing was much needed. If anything, a lifetime of healing was needed.

We reached his house after a few minutes. Dylan opened the passenger door for me and grabbed my hand to help me out, "Pass me your bag. I'll carry it for you."

Mr. Playboy (Dylan Minnette/Clay Jensen/13 Reasons Why)Where stories live. Discover now