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School the next day was torture. When I walked into school, I could hear people telling me, "Hey, where's your boyfriend?" And stuff like that. Had the news really gotten around that quickly?

Dylan didn't talk to me at all. It seemed like he was ignoring me. Had he moved on that quickly?

I saw him a few times walking around with other girls... Mybe they were just friends, but I felt super jealous, because I knew that should've been me.

Maybe I made a mistake.... No. This was for the better. He's a cheater and always will be. I have to move on.

Hanging out with Nadia and her friends really was an escape for me. They made me feel like I belonged. Every day after school, we would all go hang out at "Esspresso Yourself," the place Nadia took me after Dylan and I's breakup. I finally felt alive and happy again.

1 month after the breakup
Dylan's POV

I couldn't function without Jessica. My heart felt empty and lifeless. Every morning when I opened my eyes, I didn't want to move. I wanted to lie in bed forever.

Every time I thought about Jessica, a wave of sadness and anger swept over me. I was sad because my only source of happiness was gone, and I was angry at myself for letting her go.

I didn't regret dating her. She got me through my tough days and kept me going. She was so innocent...

But today, I felt a little better. I got up and got dressed for school. I brushed my teeth and my hair, and grabbed a piece of toast on my way out the door. "Bye mom!" I yelled to her as I left.

Today was my lucky day. During English in period 3, we were assigned a project. My partner was Jessica! Life was giving me another chance to get her back.

"Hey." I said to Jessica on her way out of class. "You wanna come over to my place to work on our project?" I asked her.

"No thanks. I'll just do it by myself." She mumbled.

"C'mon, Jess. Give me another chance. Please." I looked into her eyes. She looked back into mine for a split second and then looked down.


"Awesome! Meet you after school then, I'll take you over to my place." I smiled.

She grumbled something and then walked off.

Jessica's POV

This past month I've dreaded going to English because Dylan sits right behind me, but today was even worse.

We were assigned an essay on the Founding Fathers. We had to name some specific events they caused and how it helped to form America.

That wasn't the worst part. We were assigned partners. As my teacher was reading off names, I begged for anyone except Dylan.

"Jessica, you're partners with... Dylan." He said.

I looked at him with disbelief, as if to say, how could you?

I knew Dylan was behind me smiling. I just knew it.

Dylan's POV
I had a smile on my face for the rest of the day. Finally, after a month, I get another chance.

I found Jessica and walked her to my car after school. As I always did, I opened the door for her. I knew if I wanted her back I'd have to be on my best behavior.

We drove over to my house and greeted my mom on the way in. She was sitting down on the table filling out some paperwork. "Hey mom, this is Jessica. We're doing a project together."

"What kind of project?" My mom asked.

"Uh.." I realized I hadn't been paying attention to anything except our partners. Luckily, Jessica chimed in.

"It's on the Founding Fathers. We have to explain major events that led to the creation of America."

"Oh, how nice! Well, have fun. And no funny business up there!" She pointed at us.

I chuckled. We'll see about that.

I plopped onto my bed. "So, is that really what our project is about?" I asked.

"Oh come on, Dylan. I know you don't want me here to work on our project." I sat down next to him.

"Then are we gonna do something else?" He looked excited.

"Of course not." I smiled. "We're going to work on our project."

"Is it an essay or something?"

"Were you even paying attention? Yes, it is."

We were reading books for about an hour that Jessica brought over, when I put down my book and looked over at Jessica. She looked like she was in deep thought. I couldn't take it anymore.

I smashed my lips onto hers. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer to me.

"Dylan, what are you-" She started to say, but I kissed her again. This time, she kissed me back, and put her arms around my neck. Adrenaline flowed throughout my body. My heart was racing. I'd never felt this with any other girl.

I picked her up and laid her down on my bed, and got on top of her. I depend the kiss by putting my tongue in her mouth.

I trailed down to her neck and sucked on it, which made her let out a small moan. Her nails dug deep into my back.

We were interrupted by a knock at the door. "Dylan? You guys okay in there?"

"Fuck..." I whispered. I got off of Jessica and grabbed a book. She sat up and fixed her hair.

"Yeah, mom, we're fine." I said, and my mom opened the door. She was carrying a laundry basket.

"Well, I've, got your laundry." She put it down by my dresser. "How's the project going?" She asked.

"Fine. Just doing some research." I said, holding up my book.

"Okay, that's great." My mom said, and left the room.

I waited a few seconds until I knew my mom was gone, and said, "So, where were we?" I smirked at Jessica, and she smiled back at me.

We started kissing again. I don't know for how long, but it was one of the best moments of my life.

Mr. Playboy (Dylan Minnette/Clay Jensen/13 Reasons Why)Where stories live. Discover now