Probably some she had before.

The kiss intensifies as Piper increases her pace, her hands finding his neck to pull him closer. She's standing on her toes because he's taller. Chris' mind wanders during the kiss. He can't help but remember the last kiss he had at Jason's party.

That breathtaking kiss.

Surprisingly, he didn't kiss anyone during the week. He was so bent on finding Hazel to think about any of that.

Now he's kissing Piper but he doesn't feel what he felt when he kissed Hazel.

No sparks.

No tingles.

No shocks.

The kiss is just normal.

Like the times he kissed other girls.

Why the hell is he comparing kisses now? He asks himself as he began to kiss her aggressively.

He has never cared as long as he gets what he wants.

He has spent the whole week searching for Hazel and she might be a figment of his imagination for all he knows.

Maybe he got drunk that night and imagined it all.

Maybe he imagined the kiss - that really good kiss.

Maybe he imagined talking to Brooke and everything else.

There has to be some sort of explanation if not that.

How could he have possibly not seen her in school throughout the week?

Enough of that bullshit!

Enough of trying to find Hazel!

He's officially tired of this bullshit!!!

To hell with that kiss, he concludes in his head and grips Piper by the hips.

She couldn't help but smile against his lips.

Thank Goodness!

Seems she's lucky tonight.

Chris pulls away to catch his breath and after a few seconds, they begin to make out.

Piper desperately tugs at his T-shirt with her hands while they kiss but Chris stops her not breaking the kiss.

A few minutes later, they find themselves in a room still frantically making out. Piper reaches the bed and falls backward with Chris hovering over her.

She's really desperate for this and really happy it's finally happening.

She tugs at his T-shirt again just as his phone vibrates in the pocket of his slacks. He ignores it and continues but then it vibrates again. He decides to check who is calling.

It might be his mum and it could be something important. He pulls away from Piper who protests and pulls him back but he doesn't budge. She groans loudly showing displeasure. He sits down on edge of the bed beside a frustrated Piper and fishes his phone.

He discovers it's Jason and answers the phone.

"Hey, dude." He says.

"Where are you?" Jason asks without preamble.

"Somewhere," Chris answers vaguely, slightly confused.

"What is it?"

"Did you leave yet?"

"No. I'm here," Chris answers.

"Come to the kitchen. Get your ass here right now," Jason tells him and ends the call before Chris can question him.

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