Family meeting

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Bold Fives POV 

I was in the living room with my siblings while Y/n was sound asleep upstairs. "So Five when are you gonna tell her?" Vanya asked I got up and starting pacing back and forth "I'm not sure Vanya news like this is life changing plus Y/n has suffered enough she doesn't need this on her plate." Luther jumped in "Five you and Y/n are in a relationship she has a right to know and trust is essentail in a relationship." I rolled my eyes saying "OH AND WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS HUH LUTHER?!" "Oh shut it you two!" Diego protested I was about to go off but then Klaus tapped me on the shoulder. "WHAT KLAUS!" I yelled I turned around to hear a familiar voice that I loved. "I heard yelling is everything ok?" It was Y/n 

End of Fives POV 

I saw the looks on everyones faces and they all seemed off like as if they were caught off guard something was up. Five's face became as pale as a ghost it was very weird to see him like this. In times like these I never know what to say but I could tell he wanted to tell me something. I signal Klaus to come over and whisper "Code yellow" into his ear this means I wanna be alone with Five so the family one by one began to leave the room the five screamed "GUYS WAIT COME BACK PLEASE I CAN"T DO THIS ALONE!" I was in shock Five never liked talking in front of the family or showing his soft side towards people it must be something really serious then... Everyone came back into the living room and they all sat down Klaus directed me towards my seat in the middle and right in front of Five it was really awkward it gave me anxiety. We all sat there in silence saying nothing "So what's this all about guys?" I asked Five stood up cleared his throat and started "Well Y/n the truth is we have been hiding something from you and the truth is..." Allison jumped in "You have powers Y/n your one of us you are part of the umbrella academy but we sent Five to find you." I sat there my stomach dropped I didn't know how to react this is just insane. "Y/n you ok?" klaus tried to comfort me "WHY, WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME FIVE, KLAUS WHY?" Five began to stutter he wasn't sure what to say Klaus just looked at me not saying a word then Vanya handed me a notebook with the intiails R.H. I assumed it belong to there father who died not to long ago I opened it and saw notes the page said "0.08 Y/n Hargreeves Has the power of telepathy but has not been found." I took the notebook ran upstairs, slamming the door, I just could not believe that I had powers. I heard Five calling my name but I ignored him along with everyone else just why? Why would they keep this from me for so long?

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