You'll Stay with me

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Just then Five grabbed your hand and looked you in the eyes and said "Y/N I know that you may not know me but I'm definitely smarter than you think. I know somethings wrong talk to me. You felt your heart stop as you sat there dumbfounded that this boy was sitting here comforting you even though he doesn't even know you. So you decided to open up to him since nobody else would ever listen you took this an opportunity. You had explained to Five how you had run away from home and had no place to go as you were explaining the story of your parents to Five you felt a tear start to roll down your face. Then came a waterfall of tears while Five just sat there thinking of what to do he finally put his hand up to face and said "Hey Y/n its ok I understand my childhood was not the best ether." Five pulled you into a hug and you began to feel safe and warm in his arms as if nothing else mattered as if time had officially stopped it felt as if it was just you and him hugging you didn't want this feeling to end. You guys stopped hugging while Five was cleaning the tears off your face he said "Look if you want to, You can stay at my place I have more than enough room in my house for you to stay ok?" You really didn't wanna be rude and say no but you also had JUST MET this boy and now he wants you to live at his house for a few seconds you thought about his offer you kept telling yourself this was a bad idea. But when Five asked for a response you automatically said a quiet little "Yes". Five said "great lets go." You were confused as to how you were gonna get there or were his hosue was but he took you by the hand and told you to just focous on him. You trusted Five and just looked into his eyes next thing you knew you were in this huge mansion. "FIVE, WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED AND WHERE ARE WE?!" Five was smiling at you and only said one thing "Y/N welcome to the Umbrella Academy." 

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