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Ren was silent the entire time that Elle spoke; she told him about everything except for Alan. This would be the third time she'd explained her past to someone and she was growing tired of repeating it. She didn't want sympathy, she just wanted them to understand why she was the way that she was. 

He remained very still, processing everything that she just said. There were no words that he could say so he hugged her tightly instead. 

"I will protect you." he promised. 

Elle nodded and closed her eyes; she already felt protected by him. 

"I have to go." he said reluctantly. 

"I know." she responded. 

It took him only a few minutes to put his under layers and outer uniform back on. He kissed her head and returned to work, leaving Elle naked on the bed. Every moment she spent with him made her more reluctant to reach the end of the three months. 

He loves me....


A few weeks passed, leaving only two months left. Ren and Elle spent most of their free time sleeping together and enjoying the comfort of being in each others arms. He craved her constantly; it was a hunger that wasn't satisfied no matter what he did. 

Elle had barely talked to TJ or Dez during that time so she wandered over to the engineering sector to find TJ; she'd find Dez during the afternoon meal. 

"Elle!" she heard a voice call.

"Hey TJ." she responded. 

"What's up with you disappearing all of the time?" 

"I haven't been feeling well." she lied. 

"I would have come to see you but you refuse to tell me where you're staying now." he joked. 

"It isn't any of your business where I'm staying." she snapped.

"Whoa, I was just joking? Are you okay?" 

"Yeah, sorry I'm really tired." she lied yet again. 

TJ knew something was off but he knew better than to pry. 

"Well I should get back. See you in the mess hall later?"

"Of course." she said, giving a weak smile. 

Elle left to walk back to Ren's room. TJ's curiosity was driving him crazy so he did something he would later regret; he followed her. He stayed far behind her so that she wouldn't notice him but he could still see her. He wasn't proud of it but he was worried, at least that's what he told himself the reason was. 

She passed by all of the living quarters she could have been staying at. He was confused as she headed towards a section of the ship quadrant that was off limits to almost everyone. Little puzzle pieces started clicking for TJ as he realized she was heading towards the Commander's quarters. 

She was almost there when Alan appeared suddenly. 

You are being followed.

Alan quickly disappeared as she spun around, catching TJ before he could hide. 

"What the fuck are you doing?" she yelled at him.

He walked up to her, "Why are you going to the Commander's quarters?"

She quickly thought of a lie, "I needed to let him know I was going to the medical bay so he could check on me there."

"Bullshit! What the fuck is going on with you and the Commander?"

The Power Inside (Kylo Ren)Where stories live. Discover now