Twenty Seven

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Commander Ren could barely concentrate on his daily orders. His mind kept replaying the events from last night and this morning. He was consumed by her, everything about her, and wanted more. He felt the need to connect with her which is something he hasn't done in many years. It was a good thing that he wore a helmet because a smirk would appear on his lips every time he pictured her naked body pressed up against the cold shower. 

Elle grew bored of never having something to occupy her time. Exploring was fun but she knew where everything was now and her only current source of productiveness was with Dez or Ren when he stopped by to check on her. Elle thought about venturing into an entirely new area of the ship that was unknown to her. However, she felt that probably wasn't the best idea given her poor sense of direction. 

When it came time to see Dez, Elle slipped out of Ren's room and walked to the mess hall. When she arrived, Dez was nowhere to be found. 

Huh...I'm here before her for once. 

Elle sat down at a bigger table as there weren't any two or three person tables available. She sat in one of the five chairs and glanced around the room. Given the previous incident, Elle had become quite preoccupied with people staring at her. She heard a voice call her name and saw Dez walking towards her but with two other people. One being TJ and the other was someone she didn't recognize, most likely Dez's new partner. 

Elle groaned at the sight of TJ as she pondered the thought of just leaving. Before she could fully consider it, Dez sat down at the table with Elle followed by the two other guys. 

"Elle, this is Kade." she introduced. 

Elle gave a small wave, "Hey." 

"Your bruising looks much better." he added. 

"I will be happy when it's all gone completely." Elle admitted. She was trying hard to ignore TJ's eyes burning into her. 

Dez gave TJ a nudge under the table.

"Uh...Elle can we talk outside for a minute while they get food?" TJ asked. 

Elle nodded and followed him past the entrance of the mess hall. 

"Look, I'm really sorry for how I acted. It was a lot to take in and I didn't know to process it."

"Dez managed just fine." she reminded him. 

"She's always been better at handling things like that and has given me an earful every day since then."

"I know, she told me."

He was quiet for few moments, "I really am sorry." 

"I forgive you TJ. It's not easy information to accept." 

TJ smiled in relief, "I was worried that you were going to stay mad at me." 

"No. Life's too short remember?" she joked. 

He chuckled and nodded in agreement. Elle then did something that she hadn't really done with him before; she hugged him first. He was almost taken aback by it but hugged her tightly in response. Unknown to Elle, TJ noticed Commander Ren approaching them swiftly. 

"Commander." he greeted, letting go of Elle and standing straight. 

Elle spun around and fought every muscle in her body not to wrap her arms around Ren. The hug between her and TJ didn't even cross her mind as being a big deal. It was platonic and carried no meaning beyond that so she felt no guilt for it. Ren was fighting back jealousy. Seeing her hugging another man made his blood boil but he tried to control him temper for her. 

"Hi Commander." she teased. 

Ren took a deep breath, "I suggest you both eat your meals instead of blocking the hallway." 

He kept walking passed them to his next order of business. Elle and TJ both looked at each other and grinned. They went back into the hall to eat with the others. Kade seemed nice and Dez was definitely smitten by him. Elle enjoyed seeing her happy. They all finished their food rather quickly; TJ and Kade were off shift but Dez had to head back. They all said their goodbyes and TJ offered to walk Elle back to her room but she declined. She didn't want anyone knowing that she was staying in Ren's room. 

When she went back to the room, Ren was already there. Elle sensed something was off when he didn't say anything. 

"What's wrong Ren?" she inquired. 

He didn't say anything so she walked over to him and sat on his lap in the chair. 

"Hey." she said. "Talk to me."

He sighed and closed his eyes, "I don't want your arms wrapped around any other guy." 

"Oh, Ren." she said before kissing his cheek and burying her face in his neck. "You're still jealous of his?"

"You're mine." he growled. 

He grabbed her face and held it in front of his. She could see the amber color in his eyes turn dark. Elle sighed and rested her forehead on his; she was somewhat surprised at what he said and didn't quite know how to respond to it. 

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