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Elle rolled her eyes as soon as she saw him, "Why do you think it's okay to come into my room uninvited? It's creepy as hell." 

"Where have you been? I don't have time for your games."

"I went on a little exploration and last time i checked, you don't have control over what I do." Elle flopped onto her bed facing up and closed her eyes. "I'm alive so leave." 

"Is it so hard for you to cooperate? You should be grateful that you were brought here; your disrespect is unacceptable." 

"Oh please do something Commander Ren." Elle responded sarcastically. 

"Unfortunately, I have been ordered to refrain from killing you." he stated coldly. 

Elle sat up on her bed and yawned, "What's with the helmet? Scared of something?"

"I don't see how my choice to wear a helmet affects you." 

"It's annoying. I'd sure like to watch your facial expression when I piss you off." she teased. 

Ren remained silent; he had caught himself worrying when he couldn't find her earlier and immediately put a stop to it. She infuriated him to absolutely no end but for a split second, he was concerned. 

"Hello?" she questioned. 

"What?" he shouted. 

"You were the one standing over there all quiet and weird," she said while pointing in his direction, "why are you asking me?" 

"Why are you speaking still?" 

"I'm too tired for this shit, get out." she asserted. The throbbing pain in Elle's hands was growing worse and she didn't want to lose her temper at him again. She'd already had a weird day and was in no mood to deal with Ren's infuriating attitude. 

He groaned and sat down on a chair, "I'm avoiding someone who's looking for me." 

"That doesn't sound like my problem." 

"You can try to physically make me leave if you want." he taunted. 

"Whatever, but if you're staying here then the helmet comes off." Elle argued. 

"Absolutely not." 

"I'm sure General Hux would like to know where you are. Would you like for me to go notify him of your whereabouts?" 

Ren clenched his jaw tightly and balled his fists tightly. He'd never mentioned it being Hux who he was avoiding but she knew anyways. 

Insufferable girl, he thought to himself. 

Ren would argue but he knew her threat wasn't an empty one. He took a breath and pressed the air release buttons on either side of his helmet; he pulled it off and dropped it on the ground with a loud thud. 

Elle could never picture what Commander Ren looked like. She was surprised to see how young he was. His face was pale, covered by his long, dark black hair, and had a healing scar down the side of his face. He looked so normal compared to the cruel way he acted. She was puzzled by his appearance but somehow in a good way.  

"Was that so hard?" she questioned. "I'm surprised you're actually human."

"You're testing my patience, girl" 

"It's Elle. My name is Elle not 'girl'." she shouted at him.

"Elle, whatever. You're name isn't that important to me." 

"Gods, you make me tired. I'm going to sleep so be out of my room by the time i wake up." she demanded. 

Sleep came quickly for Elle. She was struggling to stay awake by the time she finally closed her eyes. Ren's presence in her room while she slept didn't bother her for some reason. Maybe she was getting used to him constantly being around her. 

It's possible.

Elle's eyes shot open. She sat up in bed and looked over at the chair Ren was sitting in. However, it wasn't him. It was the dark, black fog again but this time it took the silhouette of a man. There were no distinguishable features, just the outline. There was also no visible source of the voice it spoke with; it was like a telepathic communication. 

"What the fuck." 

It's possible that you are becoming accustomed to his constant presence.

"You're reading my thoughts now too?" 

Not exactly, you projected the thought more than normal so I heard it. 

"That's creepy. Why do you look like that?" 

Are you referring to my manifestation of a male form?

"What else would I be referring to." 

I felt it would be easier for you to talk to instead of simple matter floating around.

Elle missed when her dreams weren't so weird, "Did you want something this time?" 

I appeared to ask if you decided to let me access your mind.

"Honestly, i forgot about that shortly after I woke up."

This is an important decision and i need your permission to proceed.

"Remind me again what that means exactly."

When I access your mind, I'm essentially connecting it to my own. It'll allow me to investigate this situation that we are in.

"So you could figure out what's going on with this power thing that Snoke is after?" 

Yes. Communication will also be easier.

"If I say no, does that mean you'll drop it?" 

Absolutely not. I will continue to ask about it.

"Well fuck if that's the case then yeah go ahead and connect away." 

It's going to wake you up now.

Elle's eyes opened again and were met with a dark room. Neither Ren nor the fog were sitting in the chair. She didn't feel any different than before she went to sleep. 

I'm going fucking insane.

The Power Inside (Kylo Ren)Where stories live. Discover now