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Elle woke up on the floor a few hours later; as she stood up, her recollection of what happened stated to come back. Her rage had diffused into mild anger and she no longer gave a shit about her situation as she knew there was nothing she could do to change it. A shockwave of pain shot through her hands; Elle winced and looked down at her knuckles for the first time. They were bruised, bloody, cut open, and so swollen that she couldn't even bend her knuckles without excruciating pain shooting throughout her hands and arms. The wall was covered in deep indents where her fists connected with it. 

There were five quick bangs on Elle's door. 

Oh fucking great. 

She painfully opened the door then quickly hid her hands behind her back. 

Commander Ren stood in front of her motionless. "My orders require me to check that you are still alive throughout the day." He said with unmistakable irritation. 

"Whatever. I'm can go now." 

Elle couldn't see his eyes but she could feel them inspecting her through his helmet. There's no way he knows.

"Knows what?" he questioned. 

"Get out of my fucking head." she argued back. 

"I will ask one more time. Knows what? 

Elle groaned and held out her hands in front of him. There was a brief moment of silence before Commander Ren grabbed her by the arm and started dragging Elle out of her room. 

Elle yelped in pain but was ignored. She fought against his grip but it was held tight around her arm. "Let go of me...who the fuck do you think...where are we even going?" 

"Be quiet or I will make you." 

Elle had run out of the energy to argue and fight back so she took a breath and accepted her fate. It seemed like an hour to Elle but in 10 minutes they arrived at the medical ward. Commander Ren shoved her into the room by her arm. 

"You..." he said while pointing at a doctor and then to Elle's hands "...fix this, now." 

"Yes, right away Commander." the doctor responded as he led Elle to an examination table. 

Commander Ren stepped outside of the room but remained close by. The doctor gave her an injection for the pain and then took x-rays of her hands. 

"Your right hand is fractured significantly but your left hand only has tissue damage and bruising. I can fix the fracture right now and seal the lacerations but your knuckles are going to remain swollen and painful for a while. I'll dress the wounds and send you off with medication for the pain." 

"Um...thank you." Elle said. She wasn't used to receiving help from people so she had no idea how to respond in this situation. 

"If you're going to punch something, try the combat bags in the training room. Much less damage but with the same release of anger and frustration." 

Elle nodded but stayed silent; she was tired of talking. 

The doctor finished his procedures in an hour then released her with medication. As she walked out of the medical bay, she was greeted by the dark figure of Commander Ren. 

"I'm taking you back to your room right now." 

"Why did you stay? There was seriously no need. I would have made my way back eventually."

"When you act like a foolish child, you get treated like one. I, in no way, trust you to make it back to your room." he responded coldly. 

Elle exhaled in exhaustion, "Fine, but i don't need you dragging me by my arm this time." 

Halfway back to her room, the pain medication began to make her incredibly sleepy. Elle could barely stand upright let alone continue to walk. When the Commander noticed this, he shook his head and let out a long exasperated sign. It wasn't until Elle could no longer stay awake that he bitterly picked her up and carried her the rest of the way. After reaching her room, he set her down onto the bed.

Commander Ren stared at Elle for a few seconds before leaving her room to return to his duties. 

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