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Ren slammed her door shut behind him and stood in front of it with rage spilling into his blood. Never had anyone made him so incredibly angry; not even General Hux, who the Commander absolutely detested, had ever been able to provoke him to this point. His fist slammed into the wall next to Elle's door, leaving a large dent in the metal. Ren stormed over to central command and demanded to speak with General Hux. 

"Change this assignment. I will not deal with that insolent girl any longer. I have more important matters that need my attention." 

"Commander, as I stated before, this assignment isn't negotiable. You will follow your orders and report to the Supreme Leader when he requests it." 

"Bullshit. I will end up killing her if i have to listen to one more word leave her mouth." 

"I would strongly advise against that. Follow your fucking orders like the rest of us; you are not special." 

Commander Ren's rage exploded. He quickly activated his lightsaber and started destroying everything in his path. Sparks, metal pieces, and wiring flew through the air as the workers and General Hux watched his meltdown. This had become a common occurrence for Ren; his uncontainable rage almost always resulted in the destruction of something. 

Ren's violent outburst ended after a few minutes; he quickly left the command center and made his way to his room. Once in the privacy of his room, he removed his helmet, gloves, and cape. His breathing was still erratic from the exertion of strength it took to destroy that room. He punched the wall once more and collapsed onto the bed. His temper was going to come back to bite him in the ass someday and he knew it. 

A couple of hours later, Ren's presence was requested in front of the Supreme Leader. After his violent outburst, he wasn't entirely sure what Snoke wanted. Ren swiftly made his way to the shuttle bay and boarded the ship that would take him to the Supreme Leader's throne room on the Supremacy. Normally communications were held on the Starkiller with a hologram of the Supreme Leader but, for some reason, Snoke requested Ren's presence in person.

It took 30 minutes for Ren's ship to arrive and dock aboard the Supremacy. He was escorted by stormtroopers to his destination and entered into the throne room cautiously. 

"Supreme Leader." Commander Ren greeted. 

"Commander," he responded, "I've recently been made aware of your troubles with the new assignment." 

Fucking Hux. "There has been some difficulty dealing with the girl." 

"That girl is vitally important to win this war. I trust that you are capable of keeping her alive until I'm ready to use her?" 

"How important could she possibly be? She's a nobody." 

"Do you doubt my decisions Commander?" Snoke asked threateningly. 

"No sir, not at all." 

"Good. That girl has a powerful force trapped inside of her that I want. It is no mistake that I brought her here and I intend to release the power when the time is right." 


 "She will have to die so it can inherit her body but once it does, we will have control over the strongest power in the galaxy. If anything happens to her, you will suffer for it. Understood?" 

"Yes Supreme Leader. I apologize for my behavior." 

"Very well. Resume your duties aboard the Starkiller. You are dismissed." Snoke concluded. 

Commander Ren left the throne room in anger and confusion. There was no way he could accept that she was somehow stronger than him. 

She'll have to die anyways. This assignment will be over soon.

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