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Elle heard a knock on the door to her room and went over to open it. It was a uniformed soldier requesting her appearance in the central command room. 

"You have 30 minutes. I will escort you there after." he stated. 

Elle nodded and went to get dressed. This would be the first time she's left her room since arriving. She made herself look somewhat presentable and notified the soldier that she was ready.  

Elle was led through a maze of corridors, rooms, elevators, and stairs. Not to mention the chaos of the workers around her trying to do their jobs. The dynamic of the ship was intimidating; it was something that Elle had never experienced before. The fear, panic, and uncertainty could be felt in the air around her. It was almost suffocating. 

When Elle and her escort arrived to the central command center they were greeted by a man with the reddest of hair. The man dismissed the soldier and looked towards Elle in an annoyed manner. 

"General Hux." he said when he finally decided to speak

"Um...I'm E..."

"I know who you are." He responded, quickly cutting off Elle's sentence. 

Elle bit her tongue to keep her anger at bay, "What the hell am i doing here exactly?"

"That is of little importance right now." 

Elle held her breath and glared at the General. It had been a while since someone had talked to her like that as she had a quick temper that was both violent and full of rage. All of the time she spent held captive and tortured in the laboratory had turned her into a cold, dark person. Elle's complete lack of empathy for anyone had made her survival possible. 

Elle heard the doors behind her open followed by loud, aggressive footsteps that echoed throughout the room. 

"I presume you have a good reason for being late Commander?" General Hux seethed. 

"My lateness is none of your personal concern. I have more important things to be doing so why have I been called here?" Commander Ren responded aggressively. 

"Who the fuck are you?" 

Commander Ren turned his head quickly towards the sound of Elle's irritated voice. She had been standing near a wall when the Commander entered the room and he had been completely oblivious to her existence. 

"This is Commander Kylo Ren." the General explained. "He will be responsible for you throughout your duration here."

"Excuse me? There's no way in hell that's happening." Elle argued. 

"Under whose order? I am not a babysitter nor am I going to concern myself with whoever she is." Ren spat.

"What the fuck is your problem?" Elle said, raising her voice to match her anger.

"Watch how you speak to me. I am your superior and have no tolerance for people like you." 

"People like me? Care to explain what that means, asshole?" 

Commander Ren charged towards her, reaching his hand out towards her neck, "You will speak to me with respect or I will crush  the voice out of you." 

Elle's eyes filled with rage as she stepped towards him.

"Commander! Supreme Leader Snoke has ordered you to keep her safe. You will follow your orders. If not, the consequences will be severe." General Hux shouted quickly in an attempt to stop the impending mess that was about to occur. 

"Absolutely not! I can take care of myself, I'm not a fucking child." Elle disputed.

Commander Ren glared at the General, knowing that if the orders did come from the Supreme Leader, he would have to fulfill them. 

"There is no argument. This has already been decided. Dismissed." the General finished before ordering the soldiers to escort Elle out of the room. "You as well Commander. Go begin your assignment."

Elle's hands were clenched into tight fists; her fingernails were digging in to her palms, drawing blood which she chose to ignore. There was a ringing in her ears as her temper reached its peak. 

"Let's get something straight you prick. You are NOT my superior, I will NOT respect you, and you WILL leave me the hell alone." 

"Ignorant girl. You will learn soon enough." 

Elle snapped and charged at him but was suddenly held frozen by Ren's use of the force. 

"Lesson one. You are weak and you cannot hurt me." He released his grip and she collapsed onto the floor. "Go back to your room." 

Commander Ren nodded to a soldier and he escorted Elle back to her room by the arm. She could feel the rage, hatred, and need for revenge boiling up inside of her. When she entered into her room, her fist hit the wall before she could even think. This was then followed by her other fist hitting the wall even harder. She continued to strike the wall over and over until her knuckles were numb. She collapsed under the exhaustion and pain. 

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