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It seems that there was a moment of connection between you two. 

"Alan we're setting some rules." she reprimanded after his sudden voice startled her yet again.

Yes, rules. 

"Quit speaking so suddenly. I need a warning or something." 

I could shock you. Is that what you meant?

Elle groaned and shook her head, "No." 

Okay...I could activate your arrector pili muscles.

Elle blinked a few times, "My what?" 

They cause the response of bumps on your skin. For example, when you get cold.

"Uh yeah...yeah that's fine. Why couldn't you say that the first time?" 

My apologies. Now, back to what i was saying. The connection...

"There was no connection. It was just an accident." 

False. An area of your mind was activated that hadn't been activated before. 

"I'm really starting to regret the decision to let you access my mind." 

You felt something new. 

"Absolutely not." 

Physiologically, I am correct. 

"Alan I am exhausted. I'm going to sleep so no talking to me in my dreams or waking me up unless I'm actually dying." 


Elle let out a sigh of relief and walked over to her bed, letting herself fall onto it. She didn't want to listen to Alan but she knew that he may be right. She did feel something that she hadn't felt before but only for a few seconds. The thought of that alone made her head spin; how the hell could someone so rude and selfish make her actually feel something. She closed her eyes and forced herself to sleep so the thoughts would stop. 


Commander Ren reported to the communications sector as he was requested to do. On his way there, all he could think about was her; The image of her tired green eyes was now ingrained into his memory. His mind had wandered and only the sharp sound of a Lieutenant's voice was able to snap him out of it. 

It was just some basic reports and questions regarding the attack formation of the TIE Fighters for future battle. Ren spent hours going over the fleet, their formations, and their plans. When the Captain and Lieutenant were satisfied, Ren left and headed back to his room. On his way back, there seemed to be a strong urge pulling him towards Elle's room. 

Despite that, he made it to his room. He quickly slammed the door shut and threw off his helmet. Sleep came shortly after that. Ren awoke the next morning and dressed himself. He splashed cold water on his face and stared into the lavatory mirror; he hated what he saw every time. The dark side was taking its toll on him and it was starting to show; the emptiness that lurked behind his eyes was becoming more noticeable. 

Commander Ren reported to central command first thing and then started on the rest of his duties. Soon it would be time to check on Elle's status but he shoved that thought as far out of his mind as he could. 


Elle wasn't pleased when she woke up the next morning. She kept seeing Ren in her dreams last night but only for a few seconds at a time. In an hour, she would see him again and Elle really didn't want to. Everything felt weird and uncomfortable when she was near him. She was tempted to slip out before he got there to avoid him but then she remembered that he would find her anyways. No matter where she went, he was always right there. 

She decided to just stay in bed until she absolutely had to get up. It wasn't long before she heard a familiar pounding on her door. Elle didn't need to answer it anymore, Ren typically entered without permission anyways. But then no one entered the room. She knew it was his knock so why was he waiting?

Elle got up to open the door and Commander Ren was standing there. There was a pause before he entered her room, slightly pushing past her. 

"Why didn't you just come in like you always do? At least then I don't have to get up." she asked. 

"You mentioned not liking it when I did that." 

"Oh...well good. Uh so I'm fine and safe so you can go now." she urged. 

"In a hurry to go somewhere?" he lightly accused. 

Elle took a breath to ease the uncomfortable feeling she had, "No I just figured you had other matters to attend to." She wanted to get him out of her room but she also wanted him to stay. 

"I do, but not for a while." 

"Does that mean you're staying?" 

"Perhaps." he said while sitting down.

"I'm gonna go get dressed." she stated. "Oh, and the helmet comes off by the time I return. 

 Elle entered her room and closed the door quietly. Ren removed his helmet and stared at his reflection in it for a split second. Neither of them wanted to admit that there was something there.

The Power Inside (Kylo Ren)Where stories live. Discover now