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Elle woke up in her room aboard the Starkiller Base. It had been five days since she arrived and she hadn't even left the room yet. She was a 'guest' but felt more like a prisoner. It's not that she didn't want to be there, she just wasn't really given a choice. She had been located and collected despite her best attempts at existing in seclusion on the planet Batuu. Elle knew why she was here, what the First Order wanted from her, what Snoke wanted from her. She knew as soon as she was ambushed by stormtroopers and led back to their ship. food and a room. It can't be any worse than where I am now. 

She had been living on Batuu for three years after her escape from the underground lab on Coruscant. Almost nobody knew about it; only a few in power were made aware so that it wouldn't be shut down. The lab was lead by a scientist known as Kashae, a twisted son-of-a-bitch who Elle swore had a thing for sadism. Where he got the resources to conduct these experiments is unknown to Elle but she didn't care now that he was dead. 

Elle spent 17 years of her life help prisoner in the lab. She was taken away from her family when she was only 2; because of this, she has no idea where she is from or who her parents are. It's unclear how they knew about Elle as she was only 2 but had an incredibly high midi-chlorian count. Kashae took children with high midi-chlorian counts and experiment on them. He was searching for a way to isolate 'the force' and be able to remove or add it to another person. 

Elle was the only child who survived through his experimentation in the beginning. This led him to increase the age of test subjects to teens and adults. No matter what they did to her, Elle survived. Many of the experiments involved injections of chemical solutions. Transfusions, extractions, and surgeries were also being tested. 

As the years went on, Kashae grew more and more frustrated with the lack of progress. His experiments became increasingly erratic and dangerous. Just before Elle's escape, Kashae performed an experiment on her that still affects Elle to this day. He combined injections and transfusions with a new method he had been developing by himself. It was an extraction process that should have left Elle dead. Not only did it completely fail, but it altered the midi-chlorian within Elle to the point where the count exceeded normal human capacity and transformed into something else...something completely new. 

That is what Snoke wanted from her; he wanted the raw power created from the failed experiment to end the war once and for all. Elle can't use the force, nor is she connected to it anymore. However, what was created inside of her now has a count that far surpasses any being that has or ever will be born. In theory, she has the most power in the galaxy but no ability to use it. The question that arises now is how to release the power and what will happen to Elle.

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