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"Can I fucking help you?" Elle angrily asked. She should have felt scared but the fear was clouded by her anger. 

"We decided to pay you a little visit and show you what happens when you threaten us." one said. 

"How cute. Get the fuck out of here." Elle turned back around and started walking away. 

Footsteps rushed towards her and she felt a hard violently grab her arm. Elle had fought men bigger than them before but only two at once; there were five of them here. She ripped her arm out of the soldiers grip and decked him right in his face. As he stepped back, clutching his face, another stepped forward and took a swing at Elle. 

She dodged his attempt and connected her foot with his abdomen. When they realized that she could take them individually, they all decided to rush at her. Elle knew this would happen so she braced herself for the incoming impact. Two men grabbed her and held her hard against the wall. Another punched her in the stomach multiple times; she kicked as much as she could and connected with him a few times but it only angered them. 

The other three of them took turns punching, kicking, and elbowing Elle in various parts of her body. No matter what, she refused to stop fighting. She managed to spit blood on their uniforms and faces in a final attempt to fight back. She was slowly slipping unconscious from the repeated blows to the head and face. 

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE!" came a violent voice from down the hall. 

The soldiers released Elle and she fell onto the floor. They backed away from her and stood tall. Elle was too weak to see the face matching the voice but she knew it was Ren. 


"She wasn't following orders sir. She threatened us so we felt discipline was necessary." one of them meekly explained. 


Their faces went white as a sheet as they realized how badly they fucked up. They would be lucky if they didn't lose their lives let alone their jobs because of this.

"We're sorry sir. We were unaware." one said fearfully. 

Commander Ren summoned a nearby group of stormtroopers to escort all five men to the prison block to be held until their fate was decided. As soon as they were out of sight, he rushed over to Elle and picked her up. He ran as fast as he could to the medical ward yet again and placed her on an examination table. The doctor looked at both Elle and Ren and sighed. 

Ren wanted revenge for what they did to her. His blood was boiling as he marched to the command center to inform General Hux of the situation. Once Hux knew, the Supreme Leader's hologram was summoned to the communications room. 

"What is the meaning of this sudden interruption?" Snoke asked

"There has been an incident with the girl, sir." Hux explained. 

"A group of soldiers ambushed and brutally attacked her. She is fine and being treated." Ren followed. 

"I see. And where were you Commander?" 

"On my way to check her status. I caught them in the act of beating her. They are all being held in prison cells. Permission to terminate them?" 

"Very well, they are easily replaceable. If something happens to her again, you both will suffer the consequences." 

They both nodded and left the room as the hologram faded away. 

"Why is it so fucking hard to do your job Commander Ren?" Hux asked angrily. 

"Do not blame me for the soldiers you employ brutally beating people." 

"I will not go down because of your incompetence." 

"My incompetence?"

"Go fix this mess you failed to prevent." 

The general walked away from Ren, leaving him seething with rage. He marched down to the prison block to personally deal with each soldier individually. He smiled as he stabbed each one through the chest with his lightsaber; once the last one was dead, their bodies were taken and thrown out of the airlock. 

His need for revenge had been filled and he could think with a clearer head now that it wasn't clouded with anger. He then rushed back up to the medical ward and demanded to taken to Elle. When he was denied access, he slammed his fast against the wall and threatened every worker in there. They all scrambled and allowed him into the room. 

Elle was connected to IVs and monitors; as soon as Ren saw her, his heart sank and a single tear rolled down his cheek. He removed his helmet and sat down in a chair next to her. He hated himself for not being able to protect her. Her eyes sockets were bruised and swollen along with her cheeks and lips. Her stomach, arms, and legs were riddled with marks and newly forming bruises. The more damage that he noticed, the more sick he felt. 

Ren refused to leave Elle's side until she woke up and it took a few hours before she did. 

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