The Future's Full Of Clones

Start from the beginning

With a groan, he sat up, sure his head was going to throb all the worse with the movement, but in between one blink and the next the pain vanished entirely. This sent him for a loop, the abrupt absence of pain threatening to give him another headache. He wasn't normally one to dwell on not hurting, but this was just weird. And confusing.

Still, he didn't mind the pain disappearing even if it was a bit freaky. He could think a whole lot more clearly now, and he couldn't help questioning tenfold why he was waking up here instead of literally anywhere else. He was on the couch, and a glance around the room revealed he was in the lounge, accompanied by -

"Ah!" he said, startled, and Pidge grinned a familiar evil grin at him. Except -

"You think you're so stealthy, sneaking off for naps like this," she scoffed, crossing her arms from where she sat on the couch across from him. "You don't need to pretend you're not tired when you are," she said plainly. "Nobody's gonna blame you. We know you're still recovering."

Keith nodded slowly, his mind scrambling to take this all in. Except. It couldn't. He didn't know what was going on.

First of all, was Pidge talking about the sandstorm? How he was still recovering from crashing from that? In which case, he was pretty sure he was missing a few hours here and there, because he couldn't remember what'd happened since he'd crashed. How'd he get here?

And then, more pressing of an issue, actually, was the fact that Pidge looked different. Not bad different, just... different different. For one thing, her hair was shorter. Way shorter. And there was something else about her, something off. Keith felt weird staring so long, but... was she more muscular? And he couldn't be sure, seeing as she was sitting down and all, and maybe it was just the way she was sitting, but she looked taller.

"Um," Keith said, because he knew he needed to say things, knew there were questions fighting for attention in his mind, but he couldn't really remember how to get them from his brain to his mouth. Pidge seemed to take his confusion as a sort of just-woken-grogginess, as she rolled her eyes as she stood and pulled him to his feet.

"Come on," she said, dropping his arm and striding across the room without a backwards glance. Unquestioningly, Keith followed her. "Allura's been trying to gather us for the last hour. And Lance won't stop worrying about you, of course," she said, sounding amused. And then she glanced over her shoulder, smiling knowingly at Keith. "Maybe that's why you sneaked off, huh?"

Keith just laughed, trying desperately to go with it. He didn't even really know why, it just felt right. When in doubt, pretend everything's fine, pretend everything's perfectly normal.

But seriously, what? Lance was worrying about him? Why? Since when?

The last time Keith had been seriously injured enough warrant the use of a healing pod, he'd stumbled out of it towards the group gathered, still half-frozen, still groggy and confused. He'd tripped towards Lance's side, and for a moment Lance had caught him up against him, holding him steady and making Keith's stomach do some painful kind of twist inside him, and then he'd scoffed, pushing him off towards Shiro.

"Looks like he's all right," he'd commented, immediately followed by, "Now can we please go eat some dinner?"

So, yeah. Lance caring for and about Keith was not something that really happened. They'd grown a bit closer, sure, and Keith would even go so far as to call him a friend, but even then it was only tentatively.

Trying to get as much of a handle on the situation as he could, he cleared his throat and asked, "So why does Allura want to see us, anyway?"

Pidge shrugged, though she slowed down finally, dropping back to walk by Keith's side. "She didn't say," she answered. "Though I bet it has to do with Zarkon's clones."

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