Ananas girlfriend

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Eliana's POV

He parks the car and I looked around. We're at a house, It's really big. "Why are we here?" I asked biting on my nails nervously. "We have nowhere else to go so where else.. Let's go in." He comes out of the car after shutting it off.

"Do you live here?" I asked while getting out of the car. "Yes. You're asking way too many questions." I rolled my eyes at his annoyed face.

"You're asking too many questions." I mocked quietly. He just opens the house door and walks in and I followed.

"Wow." I gasped, taking in my surroundings. He sits on the sofa and I continued to look around. I turn back around to him and caught him watching at my figure. I furrowed my eyebrows and he looks away and turned the TV on.

"What do you wanna watch?" He asked. "what do you have in mind?" I asked and he smirks. "Friends with benefits." He winks at me.

Sounds like something he'd want to watch. I roll my eyes and took the remote. "I rather not.. Hmm, what about this?" I asked putting on Ocean 8. "Yeah whatever". It starts and he makes contact with the TV once and then most of the time he spends on his phone.

Boys. All I wanna know Is why he ditched school with me, It's weird. "Why did you ask me to come with you?" He looks up at his phone and looks at me. "Just to hang". "But you never once talked to me. Why now"?

"Because." He said. "Because"? He looks at me in my eyes then his phone starts to ring. He Looks down at his phone and the caller Id was Liam and he takes it. I looked back at the Tv. "Yeah wassup.... At my place."He says and I looked back at him. "Yeah... Okay." He gets up. "We need to get back to school".

He said after ending the call. "Uh Okay". That was rather quick but I'm happy to be leaving it was all awkward.


"Eli, do you wanna go take Billy for a walk. I can't right now?" My mother asked while holding my dog's leash in her hand. She was dressed in nice sun Dress. "Yeah sure. You look really pretty. Where are you off too?"I asked."On my way to meet Charlotte". I took the leash and buckled it unto Billy's collar.

"I didn't Know she was in town". My hand jolted a little from Billy pulling me to the door. " Hold on boy". "Yeah she called earlier, Don't wait up." She took her keys from the bowl. "Have I ever?" I laughed. " I love you mom have fun", "You have a point. Love you too dear". I opened the door and I walked out of the house with him. When I got back to school I went to music class and avoided contact with Zach, yesterday was weird and I still don't understand why he wanted to hang out with me.

He's really handsome, hair is dirty blonde, has pink lips, has a sharp jawline and cheekbone and he's muscular too. Also he wears a leather jacket and a stink ego.

Billy starts running and pulling me with him. I'm sure It's a squirrel. We ran into the near by park and he stops. What the hell Is wrong with you. " Thanks for the break, " I said as I sit on the ground still holding him trying to calm myself down from all that running, As I said before I'm not fit.

I was on my phone scrolling through some old pictures of me In my gallery and someone tapped me on my shoulder. I was startled, when I turn around, It was one of best friends, timothy from another school.

"What's up?" He asked. "Same old story, nothing new and how is school treating you?" I asked. "Has its ups and downs but I have a game tonight if you want to come see?" He looks at me. "I would love too but right after this I have an appointment with my doctor but another time for sure". We talked on ends and laughed along the way. I really missed this. Being at different schools is hard but lucky I have Sam. "Are you Okay"? He looks at me with those worried eyes.

"I'm more than okay." I said trying to avoid contact. Billy ran off and peed on a tree. I really don't feel like getting him but don't want someone to take him. "I'll get him." Timothy said and I smiled at Him.

"Eliana, What are you doing here"? I look up to see that Zach, he had a little girl

"My dog needed a walk, What brings you here"? "My sister wanted to go on the swings". I looked over at her and she was swaying from side to side. She's so adorable with those pigtails.

"Really, she's so cute I didn't know you had a sister". She Started to blush. "Thank you, Are you Ananas's girlfriend?" She asked and looking at both of us. "Ananas? Girlfriend?" I questioned raising my brow. "Zach's girlfriend." My eyes widened. "Uh no, I'm not".

Zach smirked. "who is that." She points at my dog. "His name is Billy". "He's so cute, can I pet him?" She asked and I nod. She looks at Zach and he does the same.

"Don't go too far Bella." He said while she ran off. "Is that your boyfriend?" He asked while pointing at timothy. "Who timothy? No he's my best friend and I don't have one." I look at him and he was looking down at my thighs.

I know I shouldn't have worn this. "You look cute in shorts". He smirks, I laugh uncomfortably. "I guess". "I was meaning to ask you do you want to come with me to the fair Saturday?" He asked and I squinted my eyes. "Hmm for what though"? "Nothing just wanted to know if you wanted to hangout."He said.

"Okay since I have nothing more important to do." I get up and dust my pants. "Well I'll see you around." He walked over to his sister on the swings.

I don't know what it is but I find it a little weird but I can't help being intrigued to know why he wants to hang out with me. "You two seem to be getting close."Timothy said from behind me. We bid our goodbyes after talking for a while and I left. When I got back home I got ready to go to my appointment.


When I got back home Before I could get to run into my room to get ready for bed, my mother started asking me how I felt from the other room. Didn't know she would be back this early. "I'm fine Mom!" I yelled.

I ran off to my room And my nose started bleeding. The doctors told me that it would happen and I always had them so I wasn't really scared but I ran into my toilet and shut the door because I didn't want my family to see and be worried.
I looked into the mirror and saw blood running down my nose. I know what this means, That means it's getting more serious. I sighed still looking in the mirror.

There's nothing more that I can do but just sigh. I turned around and turned the shower on.

I texted both Sam and Timothy and told them that I got home safe then I drifted off to sleep.


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