Chapter 19 - Anger

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"You triggered it! Don't try to deny it, I know you did," Carol had pinned Yon-Rogg against the rough stone wall of his cell. He was completely bloody and covered in cuts and bruises. When Thor and Carol came back to Asgard she had told Thor that she wanted to talk with Yon, but in really, she just wanted to hurt him.

Thor didn't know what she had been through while being connected to the Intelligence, but he knew it was bad, very bad. She had looked so distraught when she woke up that dreadful day around a week ago, he knew this was something horrible. He knew she wasn't just going to talk, he knew she would torture him and leave him to die, but it was her choice to make, and not his. If this made her feel any better, he would gladly let her do so.

Yon spat out some blood, "you mean following orders." The grin he gave her after made her want to puke. "You made sure the intelligence could reach me through the device, I know it," she gritted true her teeth. "I hate you."

She could see that those words hat hurt him, and she was only glad. "You know what," she said, before throwing him to the ground, "I'm going to send you back with a message." Yon's golden eyes widened, "Vers, don't do this, you know what will happen to me."

"You know what, you deserve every single bit of it," she crouched next to his broken and bruised body. "Tell them I'm going to end it... The war... The lies... All of it." Those were the last words she had said to him before letting the guards take him away and send him back.


"I've never seen her so furious before brother... What if she does something she'll regret out of blindness because of the anger," Thor looked at Loki, he went to him as soon as Carol had gone to the dungeons. He had thanked him for helping in finding her. Loki had immediately sensed something was wrong, but didn't want to bring it up, so he had waited until his brother started about it.

"She's strong brother, I have sensed her power. She might be mad, but she has a whole lot more self-control than the both of us combined," Loki stated, which resulted in both of them chuckling. "I don't know what I would do without you," Thor looked over at his younger brother. "That's what family is for."

Thor embraced Loki with a smile, whom returned the hug. "She's special, cherish her," Loki adviced him before they parted ways. As soon as his brother had left he felt a pair of small arms wrap around his waist. "You're brother is being way too kind to me," he heard Carol mumble.

Thor smiled and looked down, but immediately saw her hands. Her knuckles were completely bruised and a few cuts were scattered over her fingers. "What did you do..." Thor asked breathlessly, scared she might've killed the guy. "I send him back," she said quietly. He turned around in her arms and hugged her, "aren't you scared they might come back?"

"I'll fight them, I can handle them," she looked at him determined. "If I recall correctly a week ago you almost died if I hadn't saved you," Thor smiled at her. "That's unfair," Carol pouted. He smiled and leaned down, catching her lips with his own.

When she pulled back he noticed a small smile on her lip, "I love you." "I love you too," Thor whispered before lifting her up bridal style and carrying her to their bedroom. Once there, he places her on the bed and went to his bathroom.

Carol wondered for a split second if they were going to have sex, but she quickly realized he would clean and bandage her cuts. And just like she guessed he came back with a bowl of water and a cloth.

"Next time when you're beating up someone, don't mess up your beautiful hands. You can do so much better things with them," he looked at her with a smirk before gently wiping the dirt and the bit of blood from her hands. "I don't know if you've noticed, but I've never given you a hand job," she said playfully.

Thor rolled his eyes with a grin, "you're right, maybe we should try that out in the near future."

They just said there for a while, bickering not so innocently while Thor clean Carol's hand. Eventually he wrapped a bandage around her knuckles so it would heal. "You know I heal faster than any species known in the entire universe," she grinned when he was done.

That comment had made him pin her to the bed and kiss her passionately. He sure wanted to test that theory by making love to her for the rest of the night.


The morning after, Carol felt sore, not only between her legs - which was kind of normal for her on these kind of moments - but just everywhere. Last night Thor really had tried to find her limits, and if he wanted to do it again she definitely wouldn't say no. It had been great, but now she would pay the price.

She rolled on her back and smiles, staring at the ceiling. For some reason she felt free, even more so than before. Now Yon was truly gone and he would suffer the punishment from the Intelligence, whatever it may be.

As the door open her smile only grew wider, as she saw Thor walking in with a tray. He could nothing but smile at how adorable she was. Now they were both smiling at each other like idiots. None of them cared though, so it didn't matter.

He walked over and planted a soft kiss on her lips, "good morning beautiful." "Good morning to you too, handsome," just a few days ago they had talked about how cringy some pet-names were, but since that day, they ironically started using it, till the point it wasn't ironic anymore but genuine.

Carol chuckled and Thor placed the tray in front of her, "eat." He didn't have to say anything more, because she had already started. She had missed the delicious Asgardian breakfasts she had grown so used to. Of course, Maria's cooking skills were very on point, but nothing could top Asgardian food.

"Would you like children one day?", Thor suddenly asked. She didn't really understand where that question came from, and she certainly had never really thought about it. "I suppose, why?"

"I mean, of course we should marry first, if you want to have children with me at least, otherwise my father will be mad. But now your birth control implant is gone, we should be a bit more careful. Unless you want to get a new one, which is totally fine by me, but it would be a bit if a-..." Suddenly Carol cut hos rambling of by a kiss.

"One day I want to gave children with you," she whispered when she pulled back. Thor smiled widely, "so you're kind of saying that you eventually do want to marry me too?"

She didn't say anything at first and just grinned. "You'll have to find that out by yourself."

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