Chapter 7 - Lost Control

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Vers had landed her ship, hidden in a forest. She had turned on the cloaking mechanism so no one would be able to find it. She stumbled towards the main city, cursing at the dress. It was beautiful, but impractical. The fact that her mask was blocking most of her eyesight didn't help. She luckily arrived in the city without a scratch.

She had walked in the direction of the palace, not entirely sure if she had to have an invitation card or anything. She saw multiple extravagantly dressed people entering the building, and there wasn't anyone who was checking it, so she guessed she could walk in without a problem.

She followed the sound of the music and the smell of alcohol and food. One of the guards gave her a small nod, which made her feel nervous. Vers gave her kindest most innocent smile back.

She tried to stay out of sight, blending in with the people easily. She moved towards the bar and grabbed a glass, which had a strong but sweet smell. It was bright green and she gulped it all at once. She smirked when she discovered it's alcohol. She felt someone's presence behind her and turned around.

To her surprise she saw a tall woman. Her dark hair was braided back into a high ponytail, and her black mask hided the upper half of her face. Her lips were curled into a soft smile and her light hazel eyes gazed at her. "Hey", she smiled.

Vers was caught of guard, which didn't happen a lot, but apparently these Asgardians seem to be able to make her feel like that more than she wants to admit. "What is a stunning lady like you doing here all alone", she grabbed Vers' hand, which made her flinch a bit. "Don't feel like dancing", Vers just mumbled as she pulled her hand back. "Too bad, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to join me in the next dance".

Why would she wanted to dance with her. It didn't make sense. And if Thor would see her, she could never get close enough to finish her mission. But why wouldn't she have a but of fun while she's at it. "Alright, only because you asked it so nicely", Vers gave her best version of a smile.

The woman took her hand once again and lead her to the middle of the giant ballroom. Vers felt watched, she suddenly felt like she was exposed, as if everyone knew that she didn't belong there. She wanted to back out, "I don't know how to dance". But the woman's grip only became stronger, "follow my lead then".

Vers wanted to groan, she hated following others. And she did know how to dance, Yon-Rogg had taught her how to do it. They had to attend a gala a few years ago, because it was a Starforce anniversary or something. She couldn't even remember that evening because she had gotten drunk and snuck out within the first hour.

The small orchestra started playing and the woman started moving, and Vers just followed. "What's your name", Vers suddenly heard herself asking. She didn't even want to know. The woman looked at her with a smirk, "my name is Sif. And what is your name?", She asked back.

Vers didn't know what to do, she couldn't reveal her name. It was too foreign to be Asgardian, she already noticed that, but she couldn't come up with a name either. "I'll keep that a mystery", she managed to mumble eventually.

Sif laughed, but it sounded slightly unsettling. Vers wished the dance would be over soon. "Is it common for Asgardians to dance with the same gender on these parties?", Vers asked. "Not necessarily, but it does happen from time to time, why? I suppose your upper class, given your dress looks very expensive, so you must've attended other parties before", she glared into Vers' eyes, who managed to look away quickly.

"My parents never let me", she said quietly, figured to use emotions as her defense, so she wouldn't have to talk about herself. "Oh, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked", Sif immediately apologized. Vers was quite proud of herself, she knew these methods were unusual, especially for Kree, but they worked exceptionally well on Asgardians.

The music finally stopped, and Vers walked away again. Sif grabbed her wrist and turned her around, "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable", she was genuine. Vers suddenly felt a wave of fury wash over her. She wanted to blast Sif across the room. Her photon inhabitor buzzed slightly in her neck, suppressing her powers. The high collar of her dress hid the small disk on her neck completely, luckily.

Sif let go of her wrist. Vers mumbled a quiet "I'm sorry" before she turned around and speed walked away. Alcohol, that's what she wanted, and perhaps also needed if she wanted to survive this night.

She found herself standing at the bar again, drinking several brightly coloured drinks. It took quite a big amount of alcohol to make her feel only slightly tipsy, not that she minded normally, but right now it only made her grumpy.

Suddenly someone took the glass she was holding out of her hand. "I think that's enough for you", it was his voice, finally she had found him. She looked at him. He was wearing armour, a long red cape, and a silver mask with what looked like wings at the sides. Would he recognize her?

"Why would you care?", She said sternly. "Because I don't want someone to pass out at this party", he smiled. Gosh, he was handsome, but Vers had to control herself. "Can I have the next dance with you?", He stretched out his hand. Vers gave a small smile and nodded, taking his hand. He pulled her onto the dance floor, and this time she was sure people were watching, probably because they recognized their prince. They were probably used to this, he must be able to dance with every woman he wants. And the same would go for the woman he sleeps with.

He gently placed his free hand on Vers' waist. A shudder crawled up her spine. "Are you okay?", He asked worried. "Yes, just... Don't like all the attention, nothing more", she said quietly. She felt odd, and she couldn't place this feeling, it was unlike anything she ever felt before. "We can go somewhere private, if you want", he offered, to which she shook her head.

The thought kind off disgusted her. She was covered to the point she was unrecognizable, and he practically offered to sleep with her.

The music started and he moved to it so easily, so smoothly. He has done this so many times before, and it showed. He gently guided her through the entire dance. She found her feet move so much easier than when she was dancing with Sif. It might have been because both if their dresses had been in the way, but she's convinced it was because of the person she was with.

Suddenly Thor dipped her down. She could suppress the small yelp she wanted to let out just in time. His body followed hers, and his face was so close, too close. She stared at him with big eyes, as he closed his and leaned in further. She couldn't move back further, because they would lose balance, but she didn't want to kiss him, especially because it had driven her crazy last time.

He noticed it and pulled her back up with such force she accidentally placed her hands against his chest. It took Vers a moment to realize everyone was staring and she quickly stepped back. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable", he whispered to her. She looked at him and whisper back, "it's okay". But it wasn't okay, everyone knew what happened, everyone saw it.

She wanted to sink through the floor. He must've noticed because he suddenly wrapped his arms around her and held her close. A flood of emotions overwhelmed her, and she had never experienced anything like this before. She looked up, the blue waves of his eyes catching her brown one's.

His hands had moved up to her cheeks without her even realizing. She looked down to his lips for a moment and then back. He softly smiled, as if he gave her permission. She leaned forward, first experimentally brushing her lips against his. But then Thor caught her lips hungrily with his own. Kissing her roughly yet gently.

Everything around her had disappeared. She didn't hear the applause of the guests. She didn't see the Allfather his surprised look at them. She only felt his lips moved in sync with her own. She felt his heartbeat underneath her fingertips. And it was the most beautiful thing she had ever felt.

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