Chapter 10 - Confusion

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Thor has spend the entire time by her side until she woke up again. It was his god-damned fault that she was in this situation. He did so much to convince his father that she should be transferred to the medical chambers. For days she's been unconscious, and when she woke up for those few minutes, she wasn't herself. She was confused, broken. She looked like a wounded deer looking into the headlights of a car. She was afraid, and he didn't know why. She asked for someone called Maria, but even she didn't know why she asked it.

He gently places his hand on her cheek and mumbled, "what did they do to you". He was mad, mad at the Kree for placing that photon inhabitor on her in the first place. Mad at himself, for taking it away. Mad at the guards who had beaten her up, although it were his father's orders. Mad at his father for giving those orders.

He felt a slight movement under his hand. Vers had moved her cheek further against his hand. He smiled slightly, she was so fragile, yet so adorable like this. He could hardly believe this was the woman he had met weeks ago in the forest. He softly stroked his thumb over her cheek before her pulled away again.

She had said she was send on that mission to kill him. Why would the Kree want him dead. She was talking about a war, but if she had been talking about the Kree Skrull war, he still didn't understand. Asgard hadn't anything to do with that war. Yes, they knew about it's existence, but they weren't participating in it. Unless one of the other realms did, but that still wouldn't be a reason for the Kree to want him dead.

Maybe the Kree were testing her skills and powers. Sending her on a mission to kill someone just to test if she was emotionally and physically capable of it. But that would be odd, the Kree and the Asgardians didn't form an alliance, but they were definitely no enemies.

Thor still hadn't figured out the situation when Sif walked in with food. "I figured you might be hungry", she said as she shoved the tray in his hands. "Thanks", was all Thor mumbled. She walked over to the other side of the bed and suddenly said, "I'm sorry". "For what", he looked at her confused. "If I had known she was the Kree friend you were talking about, I wouldn't have asked her for a dance at the masquerade", Sif looked at her hands which were placed in her lap, clearly guilty.

"It's okay, you couldn't have know. And I don't blame you, the girl is special", Thor smiled as he looked over at the unconscious Vers. "Why didn't you tell us you loved her", Sif asked, which made Thor blush. "Because I don't... I mean... I didn't... I do now, but eh-", he stumbled. Sif let out a soft laugh, "it's quite obvious. Everyone had seen the kiss". Fuck, was it true what she said, did everyone see it. He just huffed hoping she'd let it slide.

He silently ate his food. When he was finished Sif stood up and took the tray. "Are you leaving again?", Thor asked confused. "I had to make sure you really ate your food", she just smiled as she left the room again.

Suddenly he heard movement in the bed, Vers had woken up. She looked around panicked, and when Thor took her hand she started screaming. "Who the fuck are you", she cried. "Who the-, Vers, I'm Thor", he asked confused. "Get away from me", she yelled as she crawled as far away as the bed allowed her to.

What in the name of Odin was going on. "Vers-", Thor mumbled again. "I'm not Vers", she stared at him with so much anxiety he stepped away. "What's your name?", He gently asks. "I don't know anymore", she looked at her hands and burst out into tears. He moved closer, and luckily she didn't move away as he wrapped his arms around her. "It's okay, you're safe", he softly whispered.


"I'm scared", she whispered after a while of just sitting there. "Why are you scared?", he asked quietly, not to disturb her. "These memories... I haven't seen them before. But somehow I know they're mine... It's all so much", her eyes filled with tears again. "Hey, it's okay, don't cry, we'll figure it out", he quickly told her as he pressed her body firmer against his own. "The accident... They took me...", She sniffed. "Who took you?", Thor looked at her.

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