Chapter 11 - Jealousy

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"Get up", Carol ordered him. Yon-Rogg didn't move. She didn't like this behavior. They both knew that. "Get up!", Carol ordered again, louder this time. She groan, much to his amusement. "Stop it, just stop", she yelled, "what did I do to deserve this. What the fuck did I do wrong!". Her voice broke and he finally got up, but he headed towards her. "Get away from me", she glared at him.

"Do you even realize what you did", Carol's eyes filled with tears. He looked at her, but his expression stayed completely emotionless. "You took everything from me, my life, my friends, my work. I had the perfect life, I had everything what I wanted. And you brought me wirh you without a second thought, you didn't even hesitate. I hate you... You lied to me, every day, over and over again. You kept telling me to control my emotions, that you wanted to make the best version of me. And all this goddamn time you knew. How many times I asked you about my past, all the time you answered with let go of the past, but you just didn't want me to find out. You knew about it, and you kept denying you did".

At this point the tears steamed down her cheeks. Suddenly they heard someone enter the ship. Carol looked up through the blur of her eyes. "Hey, it's me", Thor rushed to her. He took her immediately in her arms, but she couldn't look away from Yon. He had confessed his love, so seeing her with someone else must hurt. But if he was hurt, he didn't let his emotions show right now.

Thor softly shushed her as he caresses her hair and back. "Is this your lover", Yon asked mockingly. She knew he would disapprove of it, but she didn't care, she wasn't his anything anymore. Thor pulled back and cupped Carol's face, forcing her to look at him instead of Yon. "We will do to him whatever you want, as long as you agree with it. Is that okay?", Thor whispered, his breath warm on her cold face.

Carol nodded, "yes". He took a pair of handcuffs from the console and put them on Yon-Rogg. "Thor", Carol mumbled. She knew what would be the first punishment in the long row of them. "Yes", he looked up. "Come here", she whispered. He stood up and wrapped his arms around her waist again. She knew Yon was looking, and she knew he would hate it. She wanted to feel safe again, and she was safe with Thor. She leaned forward and softly kissed him. Yon-Rogg groaned, but they didn't care. She was safe, he couldn't hurt her anymore.

When Thor eventually pulled back for air she already felt lost. Carol looked into his eyes, they were filled with lust, and something dark, possessiveness. She kissed him again, rougher this time. He licked her lower lip and she parted her lips with a soft whimper. Thor immediately took advantage of it and slipped his tongue into her mouth.

They had almost forgotten they weren't alone when Yon-Rogg let out a sarcastic cough. They both looked at him. Carol let out a soft giggle, "put him in the dungeons, and give him the bare minimum of food. I want him alive for what's coming". Thor looked at her, "are you sure", he asked worried. "Very sure", she smiled as she softly kissed his nose. She pulled back and crouched in front of Yon, softly took his chin between her thumb and index finger, forcing him to look at her. She knew he was jealous, but it was part of the punishment. She couldn't hurt him the same way he did to her, but this was getting close enough for now.

"And if I hear that you've been misbehaving, you're back in a pod to Hala before you can even blink", she smirked as she pushed him to the ground and stood up. "And you", Carol turned to Thor, "I expect you to be in your sleeping chambers in 10 minutes". With that she left her ship, knowing Thor would handle the rest.


"He's locked up in the dungeon, there's constantly guards on duty, he won't go anywhere", Thor updated her as they walked to his chambers. "That's amazing, one problem less to worry about", she sighed. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, "don't worry, you're not alone". "I know, but how will I ever explain this to Maria?", She said quietly. "Is that a friend of yours", Thor asked, side eyeing her. "Yeah", she just shrugged.

He stopped her and placed his hands on her shoulders, "are you being honest?". "Well, it was complicated, alright, now happy?", Carol looked at her feet. "You love her?", He sounded angry, somewhat jealous even. "Well, yeah, but I don't know", she pressed her lips together. They continued walking in silence.

Only when they reached the door Carol said something again, "I think I should leave this planet". Thor grabbed her wrist, "you're not going anywhere right now", he dragged her into his chambers and locked the door. "What are you talking about?", She frowned. He stayed silent and walked over to his bathing chambers. "Thor", she yelled.

Carol didn't like surprises, or unexpected situations for that matter. So when he walked back only wearing his pants she turned around with her back towards him and arms crossed. "Look at me", he said in a commanding tone. She slowly turned around. "What are you planning?", She was clearly annoyed.

Within the blink of an eye, Thor had scooped her up and held her over his shoulder. He walked towards his bed where he dumped her, "I'm going to show you that you're mine", he groaned. He crawled onto the bed and caged her. "And what if I resist", Carol asked suspiciously. "Then there'll be consequences", he smirked, leaning closer to her face.

She wasn't sure if she was ready to have sex with him, especially since she knew the truth. It made it all so confusing and difficult. She loves him, she's quite sure about that, but is she ready to settle already? And what would his parents think about this, she had never even really talked to them. They would probably despise her for trying to kill their son on several occasions.

And what if she only thought she loved him, but only did this to make Yon-Rogg jealous. What if she'd see Maria again and realized she hadn't moved on from her yet. She didn't want to regret anything. She had done it already, but if she did it more times the regret would be bigger and she didn't know if she could handle it.

"Hey", Thor suddenly cupped her face, which made her snap back to reality. "What's wrong", he asked worried. "Nothing...", She saw in his eyes that he didn't believe that. "If you don't want this you can just tell me", he softly caressed her cheek, which made her lean further into his warm and safe hands.

"I don't think I'm ready yet", she whispered, "I'm sorry". "It's okay", he kissed her forehead and laid down beside her. She wrapped her arms around him, and felt him do the same. "Is there something you want to talk about", he asks as he softly caresses her hair.

Carol stayed silent for a moment. There were so many things she wanted to talk about. So many problems that had to be solved. But she was so tired, she didn't want to think about it now. "Can you hold me like this for the rest of the night?", She eventually whispered. He chuckled, "of course. Come here". He pressed her body closer against his, feeling his body warmth flow over in hers. Carol places her cheek against his chest and closed her eyes.

"Its okay, you're safe now", he whispered, before he softly started humming a lullaby. She slowly drifted off into a sleep, filled with amazing dreams and memories.

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