Sinking ships

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Cabir tried everything to find mr.M but all ended in vain. He was so frustrated. He need to find him soon.

Only he knew the fact that the deactivated number was registered on the name of a lady. But the company refusing to give the address of her.

It's the only clue he had. He should try more. Cabir sighed slowly.

The moment he had with Dhruv were so strange. Because as far as he know Dhruv went to America to start a fresh in his career last year. What was he even doing there? The restaurant?

And there is where Manik at that time.

His inner thoughts exclaimed.

But why does he even have to follow Manik?!.

He cleared his mind. Maybe he is overthinking.


The next day...

Nandini went to hospital as they had called her for some important case about peripheral neuropathy.

Nandini rushed to the hospital after bidding bye to Manik.

Manik worried about her a lot as she left the house at 3.00 AM. Without caring about the time! About the cold weather! About herself!

How much hard she works?!
This is how all doctors work. They are no less than God. Saving lives out there by sacrificing many things.


Manik jerked his eyes open as the stupid phone rang. His sweet sleep was seriously disturbed.

Manik looked extremely annoyed at the caller. Ofcourse it was cabir. No one dared to call him at 6.00 in the morning.

He attended furiously cursing him under his breath.

"Manik you had a call from London. For the concert that you've signed last month. The concert is tomorrow", Cabir panicked voice echoed.

Manik closed his eyes at frustration.

"And you're saying this NOW!", Manik calmed voice surprised cabir.

"Sorry yaar. I've been really busy working about.."

"Playing cupid between Nandini and me... yeah?!"

" No... Finding mr.M. but that's true too."

"Leave it",Manik uttered as he walked towards the cupboard to start packing.

"Okay. I have send all the details about the concert and the location"

"How many days?"

"5 days"

What ? 5 days!!

It was all he heard. Cabir was saying something but his mind struck at this word.

5 damn days? Without her?!

Manik dunno why he is worried about this. He even attended many concerts more than 10 days. But this time it is something entirely different.

Manik shut his thoughts down and started packing as soon as he cut the call without saying anything.


Cabir called Nandini and informed about Manik concert and his flight to London in afternoon.Because cabir knew that Manik forget to do the important things when he is in stress.

Nandini thrilled at the fact. And extremely delighted for his success. She spoke cabir with so much enthusiasm.

"I'm so happy for him cabir", she chirped delightful.

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