Melting glacier

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Manik trembling hands opened the letter.

Dear Nandu,

If you read this letter means I had already died. No, its not a suicide letter silly!. I just know that I'll be dying due to my so called brain tumor. Sorry I didn't tell any of you because...

"Manik... Manik ", cabir voice interrupted. Manik closed his eyes annoyingly.

"Man.. Where are you? "

Manik shoved those paper in his pockets and went to the living room.

"What happened cabir ?"

"Manik did you forget your schedule or what?.  You should be in the studio now . They are asking for you" 


"What?  Come with me Manik." Cabir exclaimed.


After  5 hours of aneurysm surgery nandini  went home exhausted only to found their in a mess.

Nandini was shocked. The empty glass bottles were crashed here and there. The glass vessels were broken too. She found Manik sitting at the corner with his head buried in his hands.

"Manik!! " Nandini relived as soon she found manik safely. But the miserable state of him scared her to the core.

"Manikkk! " nandini screamed.

Even hearing it,  Manik was too numb to react. He was like statue staring at distant. His droopy eyes were painful enough for make her teary.

"What happened?, manik"

No answer.

"Why are you like this? "

No answer yet.

Nandini didn't know what to do. She can't even understand what the hell had happened in her absence.

"Manik",  she shook him vigorously.

" leave" manik nodded his head.

"Leave me alone nandini "he screamed at her.

Nandini scared face making him weak.

"Please" he begged her. His miserable eyes tells another story.

Nandini blinked her eyes and whispered, "manik! "

That's enough for him. He took her in a bone crushing hug.  Nandini shocked at first and then embraced him with her warm hands.

All of a sudden,  the world look so small to him. Its just he wanted remain there forever.  Simply he felt Peace , secure and comfort.

Nandini noticed Manik hands were bleeding heavily.

"Oh God! Its bleeding ",  Nandini uttered helpless. She swifty moved to search for her medic kid.

She really wanted to scold him badly for reacting this way. But she remained calm.

She nursed his wounds and dressed it.

He watched her intensely as she was healing him. But today,  the respect he had for her increased to the heights. Even he started to admire her.

How a human can this much pure hearted ?

Nandini don't know what's wrong with him. And why he is behaving like this.

Is he missing alya? Maybe.

But she was sure something terrible might have happened. Manik never acted this much impulsive before.

Nandini slowly rubbed her hands at his back, "what happened Manik? You can tell me".

He don't know what to tell her.

That letter. He shivered at thought of nandini reading it.

" its okay Manik,I will never compel you", nandini smiled.

Manik melt at that heartwarming smile. He really felt good when she thought about giving time. He wondered the maturity in her to understand his state of mind and remain calm.

He was like a emotional fool break down ridiculously. But when she got to know this, he can't even imagine the effect in her.

"Uh.. Cabir? " manik uttered mindlessly.

"Huh? "

" I mean can you call cabir to come over here, since I broke my phone", Manik know he can't bear all things. He need his best friend's support.


"What the ..?  Seriously Manik what you have done here? " cabir yelled as he helped nandini to clean the mess manik had made.

When manik offered his help, both nandu and cabir shut him up and told him to took rest.

Nandini can't help but giggle at the annoyed face of him.

After cleaning , manik advised her to took some rest as she has lacking sleep.

Nandini wondered whether he truly cared or is this just he wanted to talk to his friend alone!!

Whatever it is, she really need to find what made him this sad?

"Come on manik, I know you wanted to talk", cabir yelled at Manik.

Cabir can't control himself. He was really scared to see manik in this state. The last time when he was like this,  things were worse then.

Manik knew how to tackle every situation. But this is very new to him.

Manik sighed loudly, " I found this in aliya's room".

He gave that letter to cabir. He knew it was for nandini. And he shouldn't have read it nor cabir. But some truths are better to not get revealed.

Cabir shocked to see that. He knew before itself. Aliya must have left behind something about her.


Really really so sorryyyy! For the late update. I make sure to update soon.

Hope you all liked it.

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Happy new year guys! 💖

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