Forever Yours

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Pairing: Ziall

Warning/tags: fluff, future fic, proposal, love, childhood to adulthood, Alternate universe, little angst (it wouldn't be a good plot if it didn't have it).

Words: 3,610+

Dedication: @Flawless_Writers

Summary: Ziall's life together.


Very cute.


Two women with little babies walked down the street, talking happily while drinking coffee in the cold January air, pushing strollers with giggling babies. A cute little brunette just barely a few months old lay giggling at the falling flakes of snow landing on his chubby little face. A cute little raven-haired lad, almost a year old, just smiled listening to the other's laughs. Their mothers could already tell that they would be good friends.

The snow flurried around, catching both boys' attention as it danced on top of their strollers. Both reached out with chubby fists trying to catch each beautiful flake. Their hands met, and giggles left their lips.

Yeah, they would be together for a long time.


That cute little brunette, now three years old runs around the backyard giggling and squealing in delight. The small raven-haired boy chased after him, now barely four, laughing along and loving the sounds that escaped his little Irish friend. It was spring, the grass still wet from the rain that had washed over it a little while ago. The air was fresh, a little chilly and damp, but neither really noticed, too entranced with one another. The small little swing set rests in the far back of the yard, the yellow swing going back and forth due to the slight breeze blowing through the air. The breeze is warm, and it helps the pinkness in the boys' cheeks, and the light numbness in their fingers. It dances over the brunette's mother's flowers sitting neatly in their bed, and dances along the dandelions and pushes at the small white seeds until they finally let go and float into the air. The sun is out now, shining brightly and warming up the air, small fluffy white clouds dance around in the sky.

Zayn laughs, and finally runs as fast as he can to catch up to his little Irishman, no longer holding back for the sake of Niall. He catches him, wrapping his small little four year old arms around him and laughing joyously in his ear. Falling backwards with'Oomph' while the smaller boy lands on him completely. The smaller boy was unharmed, so Zayn couldn't really complain about his lack of breath at the moment. As long as his little Nialler was okay, was what Zayn had decided.

The smaller rolled off, lying on his back in the wet grass alongside Zayn looking up at the clouds. They both decided this was a good place to be. They lie there cloud gazing for a little while pointing out clouds and what they thought it looked like. Niall still had trouble pronouncing some words, but Zayn thought it was cute and decided not to correct his friend just yet.

Zayn was a big boy, and big boys had to take care of littler boys- at least that was what Zayn had been told. So he vowed to always take care of his little Nialler, who was in fact the same age as him, but their birthdays were months apart- so Zayn classed himself as older.

"Zay?" Niall asked quietly, still looking up into the bright blue sky that was so close to the color of his own eyes.

"Yeah Ni?" Zayn answered softly.

"We'll be best fwiends fowever?" Niall asked again, still softly- he still had a little difficulty with his 'r' sounds- his small nervous gaze not leaving the sky. Zayn smiled softly, but there was a sadness in his eyes that made him too wise for his years.

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