
3.7K 32 4

Pairing: Narry

Warnings: Smut, boyxboy material, daddy kink, famous.

Rating: Mature

Requested by: @obsessedwith5boys, and @Cherry_Horan (hope this was okay?)

Words: 3,000+

It’s kind of a mix of two prompts.

(Wattpad has rated this R)


Music blasted through the musty club, the smell of sweat and sex filled the air. The blonde shot down another shot, glaring at the curly haired boy who was now grinding on a busty blonde. The blonde took another shot, the liquid burning as it travelled down his throat. He couldn’t believe that his boyfriend would do something like this. The blonde rolled his eyes, a low growl leaving his lips and his bright blue eyes now clouded with anger.

Sure management had made it clear that they weren’t to come out, that they couldn’t. But this was over-kill, at least that’s what Niall had thought. Management had made their stance clear, and it seemed Harry had chosen to let out his frustrations in a different way: that now involved shoving his tongue down the same busty blonde’s throat as his boyfriend sat at the bar and watched.

Jealousy and anger coursed through the blonde as he ordered another shot. He wasn’t allowed to show his anger, nor was he allowed to show his jealousy. They were just mates, to the public eye at least.

Niall didn’t know if he would be able to keep this up. He hated the fact that his boyfriend had to look like a womanizing jerk, he hated that his boyfriend needed to kiss random girls just to keep living his dream. But to Niall, this wasn’t much of a dream anymore, it was a nightmare and he didn’t know how long he would last. He didn’t know how long he could sit back while his boyfriend kissed another girl as he had to watch, how long he had to keep his real self hidden, how long he had to keep his love hidden.

Niall didn’t know whether to end it with Harry, or show him that Harry was only his. He was at a loss, and had no idea what to feel. Niall was angry, jealous, upset, confused. He didn’t want this life anymore, but at the same time he couldn’t let it go. He loved what he did, he loved living his dream and singing but sometimes all of it was too much.

The blonde shot back another shot, the liquid burning as it ran down his throat, his vision began to blur slightly, and the buzz began to finally kick in. But it didn’t take away the pain of seeing his boyfriend groping someone that wasn’t him, and it didn’t hurt less to see how much he was actually enjoying it.

The curly headed boy enjoyed it, Niall could see the happiness in his eyes and couldn’t help but think that maybe he would be better off with a girl, someone he could love in public. But that thought made Niall both sad and angry, and even more defiant. Maybe he couldn’t love Harry in the public eye, but he would take what he could get. He shot back one more shot, before pulling out his phone and shooting Harry a text.

Heading home, don’t be too late. Your punishment will be less severe that way.’ Jealousy was definitely the defining emotion in the blonde right now. He hopped off the spinning bar stool, glancing over at Harry as they curly-haired boy pulled out his phone. The girl on his lap pouted, batting her- obviously fake- eyelashes falsely as the curly haired boy bit his lip, blood pulsing through his body. Harry glanced up, locking eyes through the mass of grinding teenagers with his boyfriend’s fiery angry eyes that only turned him on more. Niall shot him a warning glance before turning on his heel and heading out of the packed club. Harry followed the older boy’s movements, watched his stiff back and clenched fists disappeared into the crowd and out the door.

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