Chapter 11: filming

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"When you said we have a busy day ahead of us what do you mean?" "Filming for my next movie of course. It's called Bad Times at the El Royale," Dakota replied. "Oh my god, I remember reading about your upcoming project." "Well, I thought maybe you'd want to come a long and see me film. It will be kind of like the day in the life of an actress. You'll get to see the insides, the takes, the set, and everything in between." This is amazing. My idol is going to let me see her film. Wow it's a dream come true I kept thinking to myself.
"Dakota, of course I want to go see you film. This is going to be so much fun." "I thought so. I don't want you to be stuck in the house all day by yourself. Anyways, what are we waiting for?
Let's go! I need to be there by 9:00."
Entering the studio felt unreal. Dakota eagerly greeted everyone. Even though it was early morning and I knew she was probably tired she didn't let it show. She had a smile plastered on her face.
"Everyone this is my daughter, Reagan," she said introducing me. "I said she could watch us film. Hope that won't be a problem. I promise she won't be a bother at all." "Hello Reagan. I'm Drew, the producer, of this film," a man said shaking my hand. "It's nice to meet you," I told him. "Reagan, you can take a seat over there," he said pointing to a chair.
"Alright it's time for me to get ready, sweetie. I know you have your phone so if you get bored at any time you can text your friends." "Yeah I can't wait to see the filming," I told her. "Great!"
Seeing Dakota act out all the scenes as Emily was fascinating because she played the character so well. It made me think she was a different person. At times they had to have multiple takes because someone messed up on a line or they hesitated but Dakota did a fantastic job. Five hours later they had a mini break and got back to work. It made me realize that acting isn't an easy job. The work can be grueling. At one point I got so tired I almost took a nap. This was dragging on for so long. I loved watching Dakota act but at this point I was just so tired I couldn't feel my face. It was 8:00 when the producer finally said "Great work today. That's all for now but I think we got a lot covered." "
"Are you okay?" Dakota asked me. "I hope you didn't find that boring." "I didn't. It's just that I got so tired. You probably saw this in my form but I have adhd so it's hard for me to sit still and just stick to doing one thing." "I remember. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have had you come here if I knew how much of a struggle it is for you." "No, don't worry! I didn't mind. I loved seeing you act. Is it always going to be like this?" "I'm afraid so. We work five days a week sometimes as long as 12 hours a day," Dakota told me. "Wow that's a while." "It sure is," she laughed.
"Would you like to grab some Mexican food?" "You have no idea how hungry I am," I told her. "I bet you are. Now let's get going. I think Zeppelin misses us."

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