chapter 1: Hope

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"Oh my god i'm free," I heard Emily Cohen scream. Today was Emily's 18th birthday and it was the day of her freedom. She would finally go find happiness which was something I wouldn't have in many years. Okay fine! Maybe I would find it in four years but still that is a long time. No one will adopt me. I'm sure of it. "I can't believe I get to leave this place," she said in her screechy high pitched voice. "I get to live my life the way I want and I don't have to deal with you guys." "Okay we get it. You're 18 and free. Go live your life and leave us alone." "Oh please, Reagan. I know you're just miserable cause you know you will be here for a long time. It's true and everyone knows it."

"Fuck off. You're free so just go and leave me the hell alone!" "You know, that bad temper won't get you anywhere in life," she retorted. "Shut up, Emily! It's not like anyone wanted you either," I heard my best friend Lily say. This is what I love about Lily. She always has my back. "Thanks Lily." "No problem." "Have fun being here for the next four years, kids," Emily said as she left.

"Don't let Emily get to you," said Lilly when Emily was finally gone. "You know, sometimes I feel that Emily acts like she's twelve instead of eighteen." "Same, she can be so immature." Just then Ms. Brown came in. "I have some important news to tell you. We have a celebrity here today." At that moment all the girls started screaming like crazy. Damn, they can be so annoying. "Who is it?" asked the girls bouncing with excitement. "I'm not sure if you know her but Dakota Johnson will be here."

Oh my god! I can't believe it. Dakota Johnson has been my idol for a year now. I'm a huge fan girl and I've watched all her movies. Yes, I know most movies she has played in are rated R including Fifty Shades of Grey but when you don't have parents who tell you what to do things happen. It has been my dream to meet her someday. It will finally come true. "So will she be adopting someone?" Lily asked. "Yes," Ms. Brown replied. The girls kept on screaming but for once they didn't annoy me. All I could think about was meeting Dakota. Hopefully I won't make a fool out of myself.

Adopted by Dakota JohnsonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang